Nurse / Live-in Carer
InternetJobs Mosta, Malta 34 Tage Vor

Auftragstyp: Arbeit mit Unterkunft
Gehaltsspanne: € nach Vereinbarung - pro Monat
Vakanz des Bereichs: Pflege
für Spezialisten: Betreuungspersonen
Eingestellt: 2024-04-25
Mindest Bildung: Gymnasium
Mindesterfahrung: Weniger als 1 Jahr
Geschlecht: Weiblich
Lebensalter: Von - Bis
Arbeitsvisum: EU-Pass
Starten Publishing: 2024-04-25
Stop-Publishing: 2024-10-25
Freie Plätze: 1
Treffer: 186
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Land: Malta

Needed live-in nurse or dedicated live-in carer (this means applicant will be needed to live with the patient 24/7, obviously with time for breaks and going out) or someone interested in such a job. (English must be spoke fluent not say Yes or No Only) Food and Drinks included. Please note that you live with the patient in the same house.

Good salary offered Start from €1,200.

Please call Edward on 79****76 or apply directly at EB Tools, Triq EB Vella, Mosta, strictly by appointment. If foreigner ready to pay for the expenses. No waste of time.

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