Informations de l'offre d'emploi
InternetJobs Celbridge, Irlande 96 Jours Depuis

Type d'emploi: Plein temps
Gamme salariale: € par accord - Par mois
Vacance du terrain: Services de nettoyage
pour les spécialistes: Nettoyage de locaux non résidentiels
Publié: 2024-06-24
Code postal:
Études minimales: Lycée
Expérience minimale: Pas d'expérience
Genre: N'a pas d'importance
Âge: De - À
Visa de travail: Passeport de l'UE
Statut de l'offre d'emploi
Date de publication: 2024-06-24
Fin de publication: 2024-12-24
Lieux libres: 1
Nombre de vues: 493
Prochaines étapes: Envoyez-moi votre CV

Les contacts de l'employeur sont disponibles uniquement pour les utilisateurs autorisés: Identifiant & Inscription

Information sur l'employeur InternetJobs Celbridge, Irlande
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Pays: Irlande

Eligibility to participate on CE is generally linked to those who are 21 years or over and in receipt of a qualifying social welfare payment for 1 year or more or 18 years and over for certain disadvantaged groups. Your eligibility will have to be verified by the Department.

Job Description

This is a developmental opportunity, no experience necessary. Accredited training will be provided to support your career.

Greeting Members and Visitors
Light Cleaning duties
Getting the rooms ready for events, organising tables a chairs
Opening and Closing Duties may be required from time to time
Morning, Afternoon and Evening/Weekend work as their is flexibility in this role
A Good can do attitude while dealing with staff and members of the club
Toilet areas cleaned, and Club house areas cleaned and Dressing rooms cleaned, Empty bins.
Laundry, washed and dried and folded into team kit bags

CE rates and benefits if you qualify and you are eligible

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