Informations de l'offre d'emploi
Allied Health Assistant
InternetJobs Hervey Bay, Queensland, Australie 146 Jours Depuis

Type d'emploi: Plein temps
Gamme salariale: $ par accord - Per Hour
Vacance du terrain: Médical
pour les spécialistes: Médecins
Publié: 2023-12-21
Code postal:
Études minimales: Université
Expérience minimale: 1 an
Genre: N'a pas d'importance
Âge: De - À
Visa de travail: Schengen
Statut de l'offre d'emploi
Date de publication: 2023-12-21
Fin de publication: 2024-06-21
Lieux libres: 1
Nombre de vues: 308
Prochaines étapes: Envoyez-moi votre CV

Les contacts de l'employeur sont disponibles uniquement pour les utilisateurs autorisés: Identifiant & Inscription

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Pays: Australie
Région: Queensland

Compass Rehab is a multidisciplinary allied health clinic with physiotherapy, exercise physiology and occupational therapy. Our primary focus is on neurological rehabilitation though we aim to target areas of health which are of interest to our team. Located in the heart of the medical precinct, the new clinic is growing, and we are looking for a Certified Allied Health Assistant or physiotherapy/occupational therapist/exercise physiologist student to join team.

Casual position
Flexible hours around study commitments
In clinic, hydrotherapy and community based sessions
We are a family friendly team, with a focus on providing quality therapy and treatments to our clients.

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