Informations de l'offre d'emploi
Receptionist / Accounts
InternetJobs Whanganui, Nouvelle-Zélande 151 Jours Depuis

Type d'emploi: Plein temps
Gamme salariale: € par accord - Par mois
Vacance du terrain: Travail administratif
pour les spécialistes: Secrétaires
Publié: 2024-10-25
Code postal:
Études minimales: Université
Expérience minimale: 1 an
Genre: N'a pas d'importance
Âge: De - À
Visa de travail: Schengen
Statut de l'offre d'emploi
Date de publication: 2024-10-25
Fin de publication: 2025-04-25
Lieux libres: 1
Nombre de vues: 873
Prochaines étapes: Appelez-moi

Les contacts de l'employeur sont disponibles uniquement pour les utilisateurs autorisés: Identifiant & Inscription

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Armstrong Barton is one of Whanganui’s long-standing law firms.

We are seeking a talented full time Receptionist with varied duties including Reception, Typing, & Trust Account Processing. If you enjoy learning new skills, have a positive outlook, can can bring a professional approach to supporting our office, this this role may be for you.

Day to day Responsibilities

Accounts processing;
Trust account balancing;
Customer due diligence;
General typing.
What we are looking for

Communication which is professional, friendly & tactful;
High level of organisational skills with the ability to follow-up and work with the team;
Attention to detail with a high level of accuracy with keyboard skills;
Able to multi task and adapt to change with ease;
Basic accounting skills, enjoys working with numbers; and
Basic knowledge on Outlook, Word & Excel.
Prior experience in a law firm would be an advantage, but the role would also suit someone with experience in administration. While training will be provided, some relevant work experience is essential.

This position is full time Monday to Friday 8:30am to 5pm.

Attach covering letter about yourself along with your CV.

Employer questions
Your application will include the following questions:
Which of the following statements best describes your right to work in New Zealand?
How many years' experience do you have as a receptionist?
Do you have experience in administration?
How many years of accounting experience do you have?
Which of the following Microsoft Office products are you experienced with?
Do you have data entry experience?
What's your expected annual base salary?
How much notice are you required to give your current employer?

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