Informations de l'offre d'emploi
Staff Specialist - Anaesthesia
InternetJobs Rockhampton, Queensland, Australie 67 Jours Depuis

Type d'emploi: Plein temps
Gamme salariale: $ par accord - Par mois
Vacance du terrain: Médical
pour les spécialistes: Médecins
Publié: 2025-01-23
Code postal:
Études minimales: Université
Expérience minimale: 1 an
Genre: N'a pas d'importance
Âge: De - À
Visa de travail: Schengen
Statut de l'offre d'emploi
Date de publication: 2025-01-23
Fin de publication: 2025-07-23
Lieux libres: 1
Nombre de vues: 567
Prochaines étapes: Envoyez-moi votre CV

Les contacts de l'employeur sont disponibles uniquement pour les utilisateurs autorisés: Identifiant & Inscription

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Pays: Australie
Région: Queensland

About us:
The Rockhampton Hospital Anaesthesia team provides great care for obstetrics, gynaecology, orthopaedics, general surgery, urology, Ear Nose and Throat (ENT), ophthalmology, gastroenterology, and dental procedures. It delivers a preadmission clinic and acute pain rounds and provides sedation for medical procedures. The Department supports four (4) Queensland Anaesthesia Rotational Training Scheme trainees, one (1) College of Intensive Care Medicine trainee, one (1) Rural Generalist trainee, two (2) Principal House Officers, two (2) Junior House Officers and one (1) Acute Pain Service Nurse.

You can get a glimpse of the team you could join with this short video:

About the role:
Become part of a great team committed to delivering great care to Central Queenslanders and enjoying life. As a valuable and valued team member, you would work with the Director of Anaesthesia, Rockhampton Hospital, to ensure the Anaesthesia services we provide are of the highest standard and delivered safely, reliably, and efficiently. The range of services delivered to Central Queenslanders from Rockhampton Hospital continues to grow as does the Anaesthesia service. We now need more specialists to support our delivery of great care. These positions provide an opportunity for newly qualified Fellow of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (FANZCAs) to consolidate a consultant role in a supportive environment.

About you:
MBBS or equivalent eligible for registration with the Medical Board of Australia.
Registration or eligibility for registration as a Specialist in Anaesthesia with the Australian Health Practitioner Registration Authority (AHPRA).
Enrolment and maintenance of ongoing CME program of appropriate College.
What we offer:
Total remuneration value of up to $528,432 p.a. is comprised of:

A salary between $210,332 - $266,677 p.a.
12.75% employer superannuation contribution
17.5% leave loading
Benefits include:

Professional Development Allowance and Leave - $21,500 + $3.6 weeks p.a.
Motor Vehicle Allowance
Attraction and Retention Incentives
Relocation and Travel
On-call and Overtime Allowances
Generous Salary Sacrificing Options
Fitness Passport
Vaccine Preventable Diseases (VPD) requirements:
It is a condition of employment for this role for the employee to be, and remain, vaccinated against vaccine preventable diseases as listed on the Role Description.

How to apply:
To apply, please submit the following:

Your current CV or resume, including referees.
A cover letter (1-2 pages) addressing how your experience, skills and values align with the key responsibilities and expectations outlined in the Role Description.
Any additional forms / evidence as attached or listed on the Role Description.
For assistance, contact Senior Medical Workforce at E-mail and quote the Job Ad Reference (JAR) RK5A616496.

Applications close: Sunday, 9 March 2025

Interested in leading the service? Apply for our Clinical Director job too!

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