Rezultaty wyszukiwania kandydata
master manicure,manicurist, trainer
I am expert of nail service with 10 years of experience in successful beauty salons. the last 6 years I improved skills of the nail technician on customer service in salons of a premium class. Also I has participated in the international competitions where has taken prizes, my works are published in professional magazines, such as Nails and magazines observers, such as Allure. Responsibilities: Manicure, nail extension, modeling of nails (gel, acrylic ) nail-art, nail-design, theoretical practical training of nail service. I love the activities, I will be glad to a cooperation. -
English Teacher
For Whom it may Concern Please consider this letter as my intention to apply for this position at your existing institution. Given my qualifications, I think I am qualified for this position in your company. I graduated in February 2022 from Yarmouk University with a BA in English Language and Literature and I passed the licensing exam for teachers in February 2022. To continue developing myself academically, I started pursuing my postgraduate studies in October 2022 by enrolling in the Faculty of Arts at Yarmouk University. My focus is a Master of Arts in English Literature and Criticism. I chose to submit my application at your institution because you provide a very good opportunity for your employee to hone their skills and improve themselves by participating in professional development workshops and training inside and outside the company area. I have also done a little research on your company and yours seems to be the best in most aspects. I believe choosing the best can bring out the best in people like me who want to improve constantly. I am hoping that you will give me an opportunity to have my experience in your reputed company. Thank you for considering my application. I am waiting for your positive response. Sincerely, Laith Al-Hazaymeh -
Уменее помочь,уборка. -
Преподаватель английского языка
operario fabril
Трудолюбивая, общительная, готова к переезду. -
Tourism management
I know how to sew on a sewing machine, knit products, a specialist in the preparation of sushi and rolls
Ostatnie CV ze zdjęciem
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- Śpiewacy i muzycy (4)
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- SPA, salony piękności (35)
- Krawcy i szwaczki (12)
- Cleaning Service, Czyszczenie (35)
- Zarządzanie (10)
- Inżynieria (15)
- Techniki (6)