Rezultaty wyszukiwania kandydata
OBJECTIVE To obtain a position as a governess, nanny and any position related to work with children WORK EXPERIENCE 2015 – 2016 Kiev, Ukraine Working in the family as a governess, teaching children English. Work with children of two, eight and ten years. Teaching skills in writing, reading, counting, English. Organization of the daily activities and conduct of leisure. Helping with school subjects. 2014-2015 Antalya, Turkey Working in the family, taking care of children, helping with housekeeping Work with children nine and seven years old. Doing a homework with your children. Organization of the regime of the day, leisure and training activities. Acquisition of English language skills. Home help: cleaning, cooking. 2008 – 2014 Donetsk, Ulraine Language school Teacher of English Working with groups of school-age children, conducting tests to determine the level of English, organizing and conducting individual classes to prepare for school. ACCOMPLISHMENTS Successful teaching of children skills in reading, writing and speaking English. Professional skills Ability to find an individual approach. The ability to organize effective activities aimed at the upbringing and education of children. Ability to adapt and stress-resistant. SKILLS Computing Skills: MS Windows (3.11, 95, 98, XP) MS Word (6.0, 7.0, 97), MS PowerPoint, MS Excel, Internet (all popular browsers ), skills of handing multimedia files Language: English – fluent EDUCATION 2013 – 2016 Horlivka Institute for Foreign Languages Teacher of English and Foreign Literature 2006 – 2011 Lugansk state pedagogical university Nursery teacher Personal information Russian native speaker, Donetsk permanent resident. Loving children, diligent, disciplined, flexible, reliable, gentle, responsible. REFERENCES Available upon request -
Internationa relations
please feel free to contact me through email, what'sapp or -
Fotografa y Profesora en Biología
Técnica universitaria en Fotografía y docena en el nivel medio de la Materia Biología. Trabaje en varias instituciones como docente tanto privadas como públicas. Cómo fotografa trabaje en sociales como en trabajos Artísticos. -
Мастер универсал
Project management
Farming Background, Machinery, Qualified Mechanic Diesel and Petrol 10 years, Qualified Builder,25 years Plus project Management for high rise apartments -
Civil Engineer
-Active, communicative, disciplined nature, used to working in a team, working under pressure and with a clear objective; - Ability to evaluate and make decisions rather quickly; - Attitude oriented towards knowledge and continuous development; - An initiative, practical and organized person - Availability for travel inside or outside the country; - Integrity, maintaining confidentiality -
Trabajo no calificado
Artesana en manualidades -
I’m French and I’m looking for a job in Tallinn, because I want to stay and live here. I’m available right now. My previous sectors are : catering, trade, warehouses and industry. Today I adapt easily thanks to my experiences in many different fields. -
инженер -
Chef de partie
Ostatnie CV ze zdjęciem
Kandydacie wg kategorii
- Automatyczny biznes (118)
- Praca administracyjna (265)
- Architektura (17)
- Banki, giełdy, firmy inwestycyjne (10)
- Bezpieczeństwo (13)
- Rachunkowość, finanse i audyt (45)
- Usługi domowe i komunalne (16)
- Rodzicielstwo, opieka nad dziećmi (206)
- Hotel biznesowy (97)
- Guwernantki i ogrodnicy (48)
- Usługa publiczna (4)
- Design (19)
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- Przemysł rozrywkowy (7)
- Internetowe technologie informacyjne (42)
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- Komputer, programowanie (13)
- Fryzjerzy i wizażyści (7)
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- Logistyka (30)
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- Medycyna i farmaceutyka (45)
- Nauka i edukacja (25)
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- Sprzedaż hurtowa i sprzedaż (18)
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- Produkcja (228)
- Praca dla studentów (11)
- Praca w domu (62)
- Restauracja biznesowa (58)
- Handel detaliczny (22)
- Komunikacja i telekomunikacja (12)
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- Rolnictwo (62)
- Centra usług (5)
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- Policja, armia (1)
- Wychowanie fizyczne i sport (17)
- Media: prasa, radio, telewizja (12)
- Budowa (348)
- Turystyka i wycieczki (45)
- Zarządzanie zasobami ludzkimi (14)
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- Energia, elektryk (86)
- Kucharze, piekarze (69)
- Naprawa sprzętu (6)
- Kierowcy (117)
- Meble, montaż, naprawa (30)
- Opieka dla starszych emerytów (88)
- Osiągnięcie (7)
- Agenci, kurierzy (5)
- Nauczyciele, wychowawcy (19)
- Tłumacze, lingwiści (17)
- Artyści (9)
- Śpiewacy i muzycy (4)
- Operatorzy (8)
- SPA, salony piękności (35)
- Krawcy i szwaczki (12)
- Cleaning Service, Czyszczenie (35)
- Zarządzanie (10)
- Inżynieria (15)
- Techniki (6)