Informacje o firmie : Green World Group Ltd

Warna, Bułgaria



Where We Build Your Future

Is a part of a business group operating in energy sector. The company has а long experience in alternative solar and wind renewable energy. We are involved in developing of various projects because of the increasing need of energy independence and using of alternative methods for energy production. We support the realization of wind energy projects of all types. We are involved in developing of various projects – from developing of wind monitoring reports to installation and post – maintenance services.

Kontakty pracodawców są dostępne tylko dla uprawnionych użytkowników: Logowanie & Rejestracja

Nazwa osoby kontaktowej: Olexandr Ingor
ategoria : Praca administracyjna
Działa od : 2023-06-07
Lokalizacja: Варна

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