Informacje o firmie : Persons

We are looking for professional nanny A kid is 1,4 years old boy. Ukrainian. Requirement for nanny: 1. Speaking Ukrainian language 2. Nanny should live apart – in her own appartments, which she paying by herself 3. Personal Characteristics: - Kind, fun, intelligent, responsible. Not borring - Remember that being with kid is not like working on a factory – be a part of his family - should have kids on her own - no neccesity for medical or pedagogical education, but should know the first aid rules - never yel at a kid, but being strict when its neccessary - Stick to the rules and time-table, that adopted in the family - Understand the ethics of work – how to act inside family, respect the family privacy, don't speak about family outside of work - High level of self-orginizing - Punctuality - Not older than 50 years - No health problem – no skin dіseases, infectional diseases (like staffilokokus etc), no problem with the back (ability to carry kid when its neccessary) 4. Liabilities and work day: - Taking care of a kid, development - Should combine a work of nanny and housekeeping (preparing food, house clining, ironing etc), depending on situation (when the Employee doing house work, mom take away a kid or otherwise) - Usually Monday-Friday, sometimes Saturdays. The work day is changible – sometimes its from 9:00 to 18:00, sometimes 12:00 – 21:00. No exact time, each day different, according to family needs. When its neccessary to stay with a kid at night. Fixed salary, it includes an extra-work time (if it will be needed) - Frequent abroad trips, that should be accompained by nanny Special notes: Mom is pregnant with the second kid

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Nazwa osoby kontaktowej: Zlata
ategoria : Rodzicielstwo, opieka nad dziećmi
Działa od : 2025-03-07

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