Informacje o ofercie
Experienced Dentists
InternetJobs Whangārei, Nowa Zelandia 200 Dni temu

Typ oferty: Pełny etat
Czas trwania umowy:
Zakres wynagrodzeń: $ po uzgodnieniu - miesięcznie
Wakat w polu: Medycyna i farmaceutyka
dla specjalistów: Lekarze
Opublikowano: 2023-10-19
Kod pocztowy:
Minimalne wykształcenie: Szkolnictwo wyższe
Minimalne doświadczenie zawodowe: 1 rok
Płeć: Nie ma znaczenia
Wiek: Od - Do
Wiza robocza: Paszport UE
Status oferty
Rozpoczęcie publikacji: 2023-10-19
Zakończenie publikacji: 2024-05-19
Wolne wakaty: 1
Liczba wyświetleń: 276
Następne kroki: Zadzwoń do mnie

Kontakty pracodawców są dostępne tylko dla uprawnionych użytkowników: Logowanie & Rejestracja

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Experienced Dentists - Whangarei
Earn 40% of production (upwards of $200k per annum)

Seeking 4 experienced Dentists for a fast-growing, private practice.

Fantastic earning ability (equivalent of $200k+ p/a ).
Flexible hours to suit families.
Support and respect.
Modern and technically advanced practice.
New patients and exams are available now with substantial cosmetic and restorative opportunities!

Kowhai Dental, located in Whangarei, is a rapidly growing, well-known, locally-owned practice. Due to high demand, we are expanding and are looking for four experienced Dentists to join our valued team.


We are seeking talented and enthusiastic dental professionals to be part of our busy practice, where you will be appreciated and supported.

Key attributes are excellent communication skills, a strong work ethic, warm and friendly chair-side manner, outstanding patient care, comfort and education.

Flexible hours, full or part time available, offering a good work/life balance.

Commission based remuneration – as an independent contractor you will receive 40% of production (minus laboratory and freight fees). Alternatively, as an employee you will receive 35% of production (minus GST, laboratory and freight fees).

A contribution towards relocation costs is available depending on the terms of employment (to be negotiated with the successful candidates).

If you have 3+ years of experience and a desire to be rewarded for your hard work and professionalism, then we’d love to hear from you.

Successful candidates will need to have NZ residency or a valid NZ work visa before starting with us.

Kowhai Dental is the career you have been looking for:

State-of-the art purpose built 16 chair practice which offers all services under one roof.
Modern approach to dentistry. Fully computerised, digital x-rays and scanners including OPG, CBCT, intra-oral camera, rotary endo.
The only practice in Northland to offer Perioscopy.
Comprehensive, high-quality, affordable dentistry.
No-cost parking available.
Fantastic 6 hour working day (either 7am to 1pm or 1pm to 7pm) allowing lots of spare time to enjoy life in the beautiful North. More hours can be worked if desired, increasing your income earning ability.
Exceptional team. Our highly trained staff (several with doctorate degrees) are capable of all aspects of dentistry including: oral surgery, orthodontics, cosmetic dentistry, periodontics, implants, prosthodontics and children’s dentistry.

To apply for one of our available roles please send your CV and covering letter to The personal touch is important to us here at Kowhai, so please be assured your application will be personally reviewed by our recruitment specialist and you will receive a reply to your application.

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