Informacje o ofercie
Settlement Coordinator
InternetJobs Towson, Maryland, Stany Zjednoczone 155 Dni temu

Typ oferty: Pełny etat
Czas trwania umowy:
Zakres wynagrodzeń: $ po uzgodnieniu - miesięcznie
dla specjalistów: Corporate Finance
Opublikowano: 2024-04-14
Kod pocztowy:
Minimalne wykształcenie: Szkolnictwo wyższe
Minimalne doświadczenie zawodowe: 1 rok
Płeć: Nie ma znaczenia
Wiek: Od - Do
Wiza robocza: Schengen
Status oferty
Rozpoczęcie publikacji: 2024-04-14
Zakończenie publikacji: 2024-10-14
Wolne wakaty: 1
Liczba wyświetleń: 488
Następne kroki: Zadzwoń do mnie

Kontakty pracodawców są dostępne tylko dla uprawnionych użytkowników: Logowanie & Rejestracja

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Region: Maryland

We have partnered with a client in the Southern Delaware area on their search for a Settlement Coordinator with closing experience. In this role, you will be responsible for coordinating and managing the various tasks involved in the settlement process including coordinating the setup of sales contracts, utilizing DocuSign for sending and receiving documents, assisting with administrative tasks during the sales process, managing client contract files, drafting external correspondence for settlements, and ensuring compliance with all relevant laws and regulations. The ideal Settlement Coordinator should have knowledge of real estate laws and transaction best practices, along with proven contract filing abilities.


Major Responsibilities

· Oversee and manage the entire settlement process

· Coordinate with buyers, sellers, lenders, agents etc.

· Prepare and review settlement agreements and contracts

· Distribute closing materials to settlements

· Process sales contracts and amendments

· Act as a liaison between all parties involved in the transaction

· Coordinate the closing meeting

· Assist with preparation of HOA budgets

· Support sales team as needed

The ideal Settlement Coordinator will have a Bachelors degree in Accounting, Finance or Business Administration.


Other requirements for the Settlement Coordinator role include and are not limited to:

· 1+ years of settlement and closing experience

· Home construction, mortgage, or legal industry experience preferred

· Excellent written and verbal communication skills


For more information on this Settlement Coordinator role and other full time accounting and finance opportunities, please contact us at 30*****83 and reference JO#00800-0012784004.

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