Informacje o ofercie
Part-Time Clerk
InternetJobs Santa Venera, Malta 43 Dni temu

Typ oferty: Część etatu
Czas trwania umowy:
Zakres wynagrodzeń: € po uzgodnieniu - na godzinę
dla specjalistów: Rachunkowość
Opublikowano: 2024-07-26
Kod pocztowy:
Minimalne wykształcenie: Szkolnictwo wyższe
Minimalne doświadczenie zawodowe: 1 rok
Płeć: Nie ma znaczenia
Wiek: Od - Do
Wiza robocza: Paszport UE
Status oferty
Rozpoczęcie publikacji: 2024-07-26
Zakończenie publikacji: 2025-01-26
Wolne wakaty: 1
Liczba wyświetleń: 181
Następne kroki: Zadzwoń do mnie

Kontakty pracodawców są dostępne tylko dla uprawnionych użytkowników: Logowanie & Rejestracja

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Kraj: Malta

Our Philosophy:
Our goal is to always have an environment in the workplace where everyone can express their opinion and feel part of the team, not just a number. An environment where one can develop both personally while also improving their job-related skills.

We are seeking a responsible and organized individual to join our team as a part-time Clerk. The successful candidate will be responsible for:
1. Issuing invoices and quotations.
2. Keeping accurate records of all monetary transactions.

1. Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English.
2. Strong organizational skills and attention to detail.
3. Basic knowledge of using Google Sheets and/or Excel.

Additional Information:
1. All necessary software and document layouts will be provided.
2. The work location (in-office or remote) will be discussed and agreed upon with the successful candidate.
3. This position is part-time, ranging from 6-12 hours per week. The exact schedule will be discussed and agreed upon.

If you are interested, either:
Send us an email (I can't put in the description, but it can be found on this post or on Facebook)
Contact us on Facebook:

If you meet the above requirements and are looking for a flexible part-time opportunity, we would love to hear from you. Take action and be part of our team!

1. Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English.
2. Strong organizational skills and attention to detail.
3. Basic knowledge of using Google Sheets and/or Excel.

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