Informacje o ofercie
Farm Manager - Apprenticeship
InternetJobs Thurles, Irlandia 76 Dni temu

Typ oferty: Praktyka lub staż
Czas trwania umowy:
Zakres wynagrodzeń: € po uzgodnieniu - miesięcznie
Wakat w polu: Rolnictwo
dla specjalistów: Hodowla zwierząt gospodarskich
Opublikowano: 2024-09-18
Kod pocztowy:
Minimalne wykształcenie: Liceum
Minimalne doświadczenie zawodowe: Krócej niż 1 rok
Płeć: Nie ma znaczenia
Wiek: Od - Do
Wiza robocza: Paszport UE
Status oferty
Rozpoczęcie publikacji: 2024-09-18
Zakończenie publikacji: 2025-03-18
Wolne wakaty: 1
Liczba wyświetleń: 519
Następne kroki: Send me Resume

Kontakty pracodawców są dostępne tylko dla uprawnionych użytkowników: Logowanie & Rejestracja

Informacje o pracodawcy InternetJobs Thurles, Irlandia
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Kraj: Irlandia

First Year Apprentice Vacancy
A Dairy Farm Manager First Year Apprentice Vacancy position has become available on a grass-based dairy farm in mid-Tipperary (Gortnahoe: between Urlingford and Horse and Jockey) with a commencement date of August 2024. The herd is a spring calving 200 cow herd with a 20-unit herringbone parlour auto-calf feeding and with replacements contract reared. Most machinery work is undertaken by contractors and relief staff are also employed as required. The farm is run as a compact seasonal calving pasture-based operation with good facilities and a big emphasis on cow and grassland management. Our farming hours are 7am to 5pm with essential work at weekends only. We also run a 1 in 3 weekend work roster for most of the year.
The ideal candidate will have an interest for pasture-based dairy farming, a strong desire to learn and progress to share farming potentially within the current farm business and good communication skills to work as part of a team with other farm staff, farm owners, contractors and farm relief are essential.
Key responsibilities
The key tasks on farm are
• Milking and stock management
• Grassland management
• Herd health management
• Health and safety on farm
• Prioritising and scheduling workload and working with staff, students, contractors & farm relief
• Undertaking training & development opportunities & potentially progressing to share farming similar to the previous position holder.

Employer Information

For more information please see
Note: As part of the national apprenticeship system, there are formal requirements for approval of an employer's suitability to train apprentices and for registration of apprentices. Advertising on this site does not guarantee that Employers are approved to recruit and train for apprenticeship positions.

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