Informações sobre o trabalho
Service Deli Assistant
InternetJobs Ashburton, Nova Zelândia 175 Dias atrás

Visao geral
Tipo de emprego:: Meio período
Salário da Vaga : $ por acordo - por hora
Vaga do campo: Varejo
Postado: 2024-06-20
Educação mínima: Ensino médio
Experiência mínima: Sem experiência
Sexo: Não importa
Idade: A partir de - Para
Visto de trabalho: Schengen
Status da vaga
Iniciar publicação: 2024-06-20
Parar publicação: 2024-12-20
Lugares livres: 1.0.0
Número de visitas: 503
Próximas etapas: Envie-me Currículo

Os contatos do empregador estão disponíveis apenas para usuários autorizados: Entrar & Cadastrar

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New World Ashburton

Part Time Service Deli Assistant

Do you love food? Are you a passionate foodie who enjoys creating and developing culinary delights?

We are now looking for an energetic, passionate Service Deli Assistant to join the centre food hub of our store. You will provide assistance in the day-to-day requirements of our store’s service deli, including preparing and assisting with the merchandising of both the service and self-service cabinets. Customer service must be your strong suit as we pride ourselves on providing service over and above the customers’ expectations.

Skills and Attributes required for this position are:

A commitment to superior customer service.
Initiative and integrity.
Excellent presentation, communication and team work skills.
The ability to be imaginative and innovative.
Ability to prioritise and multitask to consistently meet deadlines.
Physically fit – not a desk job.
Departmental compliance with food safety policies and procedures.
Excellent time management skills with the ability to forward think.
Lead by example.
Be able to build positive and strong relationships.
If you are looking for an opportunity to join a business that focuses on excellent service and quality products, a thriving one team culture and an environment where you know you will be valued… we would like to hear from you!

Candidates must have the legal right to work in NZ to be considered.

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