Informações sobre o trabalho
Production worker part-time nova(s)
InternetJobs Aalsmeer, Holanda do Norte, Países Baixos 3 Dias atrás

Visao geral
Tipo de emprego:: Meio período
Salário da Vaga : € por acordo - por hora
Vaga do campo: Produção
para profissionais: Trabalhadores em Produção
Postado: 2024-06-25
Educação mínima: Ensino médio
Experiência mínima: Sem experiência
Sexo: Não importa
Idade: A partir de - Para
Visto de trabalho: Passaporte da UE
Status da vaga
Iniciar publicação: 2024-06-25
Parar publicação: 2024-12-25
Lugares livres: 1.0.0
Número de visitas: 39
Próximas etapas: Envie-me Currículo

Os contatos do empregador estão disponíveis apenas para usuários autorizados: Entrar & Cadastrar

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Become an order picker in Flowers at our family business! Here you work every day among the most beautiful flowers and plants and with the nicest colleagues. We combine hard work with lots of laughter and sociability. Being part of our flourishing family means fun, cooperation and a colorful working day. This is your chance for the perfect job in a warm and cheerful environment!

what we offer
nice starting salary of € 14.80 per hour
start and end your day early!
job for a longer period
good working atmosphere with nice colleagues
Work between 20 - 34 hours per week
Travelling allowance of € 0,23 per km
who are you
Are you an energetic and physically strong tackler who likes to roll up your sleeves? Do you enjoy working in a team and are you flexible and like variety? Do you speak Dutch or English well? Then we have the ideal challenge for you! Join us as an order picker and make a difference. Use your skills and team spirit to achieve the best results together. You can work with us as an order picker if you:

you are taller than 165 centimeters
knowledge of flowers an plants is an advantage
you speak Dutch and/or English
you are available for 20-34 hours in the week
what will you do
As soon as you open our doors, a floral scent embraces you like a warm welcome. It is a taste of who we are and what we convey. In this atmospheric environment, you will find the sense of home you are looking for. Our core values are rooted in our DNA: customer-friendliness, flexibility, creativity and the ambition to give our best every day. For you, these values are self-evident; they are like second nature. This is where you feel completely at home. But what are you going to do as an order picker? Think about the following tasks:

preparing flowers and plants for shipping
labeling and checking the products
picking and packing flowers and plants between 4 and 5 kilos
where will you work
At our company, we cherish every team member and value their contribution to our shared success story. Thanks to their commitment, dedication and creativity, our branches are a pleasure for our customers. We create a fun and professional working environment, foster team spirit and regularly organize fun staff meetings. In short, we do everything we can to make our employees feel at home in their workplace.

easy accessible by public transport or private transport
work during the week and weekends off
opportunity to grow within Agora Group
job application
Are you the production worker who wants to get started? Please apply via the button below and we will contact you! Who knows, you might soon be able to start working at Agora. If you have any questions, please call us on 02*****47.

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