Informações sobre o trabalho
InternetJobs Drayton Valley, Alberta, Canadá 105 Dias atrás

Visao geral
Tipo de emprego:: Tempo integral
Salário da Vaga : $ por acordo - por hora
Vaga do campo: Cozinha
para profissionais: Restaurantes
Postado: 2024-09-12
Educação mínima: colegio
Experiência mínima: 5 anos
Sexo: Não importa
Idade: A partir de - Para
Visto de trabalho: Schengen
Status da vaga
Iniciar publicação: 2024-09-12
Parar publicação: 2025-03-12
Lugares livres: 1.0.0
Número de visitas: 817
Próximas etapas: Envie-me Currículo

Os contatos do empregador estão disponíveis apenas para usuários autorizados: Entrar & Cadastrar

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País: Canadá
Região: Alberta

21.00 hourly / 30 to 40 hours per week


Secondary (high) school graduation certificate
or equivalent experience
5 years or more

On site
Work must be completed at the physical location. There is no option to work remotely.

Determine the size of food portions and costs
Plan menus and estimate food requirements for their realization
Requisition food and kitchen supplies
Prepare and cook complete meals or individual dishes and foods
Prepare dishes for customers with food allergies or intolerances
Prepare and cook special meals for patients as instructed by dietitian or chef
Inspect kitchens and food service areas
Train staff in preparation, cooking and handling of food
Order supplies and equipment
Supervise kitchen staff and helpers
Maintain inventory and records of food, supplies and equipment
Clean kitchen and work areas
Recruit and hire staff
Organize buffets and banquets
Manage kitchen operations
Certificates, licences, memberships, and courses
Cook Trade Certification
Experience and specialization
Cuisine specialties
Cantonese cuisine
Sushi preparation techniques
Dim Sum
Additional information
Work conditions and physical capabilities
Attention to detail
Fast-paced environment
Overtime required
Work under pressure

Include this reference number in your application

How-to-apply instructions
Here is what you must include in your application:

Job reference number
Letter of recommendation
Proof of the requested certifications
This job posting includes screening questions. Please answer the following questions when applying:

Are you available for shift or on-call work?
Are you available for the advertised start date?
Are you willing to relocate for this position?
Do you have previous experience in this field of employment?
Do you have the above-indicated required certifications?

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