İş Bilgileri
Education Assistant
InternetJobs Invermere, Britanya Kolumbiyası, Kanada 281 Gün Önce

İş Türü: Tam Zamanlı
iş ücret aralığı: $ anlaşmaya göre - saat başına
Alanındaki İşler: Bilim ve Eğitim
uzmanlar için: Öğretmenler
Gönderildi: 2024-06-11
Posta Kodu:
En Düşük Eğitim Düzeyi: Üniversite
En Az Deneyim: 1 yıl
Cinsiyet: Önemli Değil
Yaş: Başlangıç - Bitiş
İş Vizesi:
İş Durumu
Yayınlama Başlangıcı: 2024-06-11
Yayınlama Bitişi: 2024-12-11
iş sayısı: 1
Görüntüleme sayısı: 587
Sonraki Adımlar: özgeçmiş bana gönderilsin

İşveren iletişim bilgileri yalnızca yetkili kullanıcılar tarafından kullanılabilir: Oturum Açın & Hesap Açın

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Ülke: Kanada

School District No. 6 (Rocky Mountain) is now accepting external applications for:
Certified Education Assistant

Permanent, Part-time (26.5 hr/wk)

August 28, 2024

The Education Assistant is a member of a school or district team, and who participates in the development and delivery of support services to individuals or small group(s) of students under the supervision of a Teacher or Principal and in a manner that reflects the Districts policy regarding inclusion.

Since the nature of employment for every Education Assistant varies with the unique needs of students, specific duties will be assigned by the Principal or District Administrator. These duties may include:

Participating in Individual Educational Planning, school based team meetings, parent meetings, Open Houses, etc., which are relevant to the student(s) with whom they are directly involved as requested.

Follow all student safety plans as written.

Providing instructional support, behavior management support and record keeping support (i.e. home/school communication book, journals, charting and observations, etc.) as directed).

Assisting in adapting classroom materials.

Support student independence in use of appropriate accommodations to access curriculum.

With appropriate training, may assist with delivery of medical procedures, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and speech programs as prescribed by professionals.

May supervise students on school outings.

Assisting with development and maintenance of community work experience placements for students with identified special needs.

Assisting students with personal care needs (i.e. toileting, dressing, eating, mobility, communicating and facilitating participation in activities) as outlined by health professionals (i.e. OP, PT, Nursing Support Services).

Working with assistive technologies, including computers, peripherals and a variety of software applications (i.e. Microsoft 365 accessibility features, Kurzweil, Clicker 5, Co-Writer, Dragon Naturally Speaking, or others as identified by the school-based team).

Actively support independence for all learners.

Supporting all students in completion of teacher-designed and directed activity with a large group in a classroom.

Behaving in a manner that respects the sensitivity and confidentiality of all information related to staff and students.

Performs other duties as assigned.

Required Knowledge, Abilities and Skills

Demonstrates a genuine interest in and understanding of students with diverse abilities and disability.

Demonstrates initiative and the ability to work with limited supervision and/or within a complex team environment.

Demonstrates an ability to manage personal behaviour in order to influence a positive outcome and de-escalated distress.

Demonstrates a high level of adaptability and responsibility.

Demonstrates effective interpersonal skills.

Maintains a flexible and co-operative manner.

Provide proactive, trauma-informed care while modelling respect and empathy.

Training and Experience

High School Diploma or equivalent.

Appropriate post secondary training (i.e. Special Education Assistant Program or a diploma in counseling, social work, child care or education). Certified candidates will have completed a one year certificate of Education Assistant Program. Non-certified may include certificate or diploma in counselling, social work or early childhood education.

Successful experience working with students with diverse abilities or disability, including low arousal or non-violent crisis intervention.

Additional training in supporting students with diverse abilities or disability may be required.

Rate of Pay

As per the Collective Agreement 440

$29.37/hr certified Education Assistant

$25.83/hr non-certified Education Assistant

For further information, please contact Terri Ann Hayes, Principal, 250-342-6232.

School District 6 (Rocky Mountain) celebrates equality and diversity in the workplace. Our commitment is to ensure equity in employment, and we affirm and welcome applicants from all backgrounds of race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, and age, except as prescribed by law.

Electronic applications are required from all applicants. If you are qualified and interested in the above competition, please submit your electronic application (including at least two references who have supervised you) by Friday, June 21, 2024 at 4:00 pm (MST), via Rocky Mountain School District #6 - Make A Future

Thank you for your interest in School District 6. Please note, only candidates moving forward in this process will be contacted for an interview.

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Muhasebe, Finans ve Denetim (68)İdari faaliyetler (74)Aracılar, kuryeler (41)Tarım (61)Mimarlık (9)Otomatik, nakliye, kamyonlar (272)Bankalar, burslar, yatırım şirketi (4)Emeklilik bakımı (195)Temizlik Hizmetleri (446)Hesap Makinesi, Programlama (16)Dairelerin inşaatı ve tadilatı (710)Danışma (3)Aşçılar (268)Kültür (0)Tasarım (25)Sürücüler (281)Enerji, elektrikçiler (161)Mühendislik (39)Mobilya, montaj, onarım (60)Valiler ve Bahçeler (12)Saç stilistleri ve makyaj sanatçıları (67)Konukseverlik (94)Ortak Hizmetler (12)İnsan Kaynakları (7)Sigorta (5)İnternet Tabanlı Teknolojileri Bilgilendir (10)Hukuk (4)Sanatkarları (192)Gelişme (14)Lojistik (43)Bina Bakımı (7)Yönetim (44)Medya: basın, radyo, televizyon (3)İlaç (163)Diğer (42)Eğitim, Çocuk Bakımı, Bebek Bakımı (100)Bir Zaman Üzerinde Çalışmak (0)Operatörler (110)Sanatçılar (1)Polis, Ordu (0)Yazdır (2)Reklam, Pazarlama, Halkla İlişkiler (15)Güç (5)Üretim (525)Koruma (5)Kamu Hizmetleri (0)Düzenle (0)Gayrimenkul (33)Ekipman Onarımı (4)Restoranlar (225)Perakende (158)Bilim ve Eğitim (4)Sekreterliği (9)Güvenlik (1)Servis Merkezleri (84)Eğlence Endüstrisi (10)Şarkıcılar, Müzisyenler ve Sanatçılar (1)SPA, güzellik salonları (162)Fiziksel Kültür ve Spor (6)Depolama (296)Öğrenciler İçin Çalışmalar (2)Terziler ve Dikişler (49)Öğretmenler, eğitimciler (15)Teknisyenler (234)Telekomünikasyon (25)Turlar ve geziler (6)Toptan ve Satış (15)Çevirmenler, Dilbilimciler (1)Evde Çalışmak (139)
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