İş Bilgileri
Financial Accounting Manager
InternetJobs Lower Hutt, Yeni Zelanda 137 Gün Önce

İş Türü: Tam Zamanlı
iş ücret aralığı: $ anlaşmaya göre - saat başına
Alanındaki İşler: Muhasebe, Finans ve Denetim
Gönderildi: 2024-11-09
Posta Kodu:
En Düşük Eğitim Düzeyi: Üniversite
En Az Deneyim: 2 yıl
Cinsiyet: Önemli Değil
Yaş: Başlangıç - Bitiş
İş Vizesi: Schengen
İş Durumu
Yayınlama Başlangıcı: 2024-11-09
Yayınlama Bitişi: 2025-05-09
iş sayısı: 1
Görüntüleme sayısı: 1261
Sonraki Adımlar: özgeçmiş bana gönderilsin

İşveren iletişim bilgileri yalnızca yetkili kullanıcılar tarafından kullanılabilir: Oturum Açın & Hesap Açın

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Ülke: Yeni Zelanda

GNS Science is Aotearoa New Zealand’s leading authority on earth science, energy, and natural hazards and risk research. We generate scientific knowledge and innovation that enables people to thrive on a changing and challenging planet. Our geoscience and materials science expertise unlocks better economic, environmental, and social outcomes for local and global partners, customers, and communities.

We enable science-backed decision making about the things that matter most. Protecting people and economies from the shock of destructive natural hazard events. Harnessing natural resources for a sustainable energy future. Keeping property and infrastructure safe and resilient in the face of geohazard events and the intensifying effects of a changing climate.

GNS Science (GNS) has a 150+ year history in geoscience research and consultancy. Today, we build on this legacy, sharing critical knowledge, innovative products, and essential services for a cleaner, safer, and more prosperous future.

The role

In this role you will combine your finance leadership and hands-on technical financial accounting and tax experience. You’ll lead the Accounts and Financial Accounting functions, ensuring a high-performance and customer centric culture throughout the team. You’ll be responsible for financial accounting and reporting, ensuring accurate records are maintained. You will also have an eye for improvement, developing and implementing strategies to enhance finance operations and improve overall efficiency.


Your main responsibilities will be to:

Lead a team of four, with duties ranging across purchasing, accounts payable, accounts receivable and financial accounting areas.
Ensure accurate inputs, effective controls, and compliance with internal policies and tax legislation.
Ensure GST, FBT, PAYE returns are correct, and payments are made on time.
Ensure bank balances are monitored daily, there is ongoing compliance with the Treasury Policy, and the cashflow model remains fit for purpose.
Apply your knowledge of accounting standards to assess how the latest IFRS developments could impact on GNS Science’s financial reporting requirements.
Prepare accurate financial statements and income tax returns.
Be a change agent – drive and support the implementation and improvement of financial processes and controls across the wider Finance team.
About you

You are a proactive and skilled financial professional with at least five years’ financial accounting and tax experience. You are a qualified Accountant and have excellent working knowledge of accounting standards, financial controls, cash flow management and tax obligations.

Your leadership style encourages growth and development within your team, and you are a skilled leader of change, always seeking opportunities to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of financial processes to support the organisation.

Why work for GNS Science?

Our work helps New Zealanders understand and address climate change, find and use greener energy and better manage the impacts of natural disasters on their homes and communities.

People come from all over the world to work for GNS Science. We foster a positive, collaborative culture, we invest in our people and provide a safe, diverse and inclusive workplace.

This is a permanent, full time (38 hours per week) role and is based at our campus in Avalon, Lower Hutt.

The salary range for this position is between $122,670 to $136,600 depending on the successful candidate’s experience.

Applications close: 11:55pm, Thursday, 21 November 2024.

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Specialties tarafından pozisyonlar
Muhasebe, Finans ve Denetim (65)İdari faaliyetler (74)Aracılar, kuryeler (35)Tarım (55)Mimarlık (9)Otomatik, nakliye, kamyonlar (264)Bankalar, burslar, yatırım şirketi (4)Emeklilik bakımı (190)Temizlik Hizmetleri (425)Hesap Makinesi, Programlama (14)Dairelerin inşaatı ve tadilatı (682)Danışma (3)Aşçılar (256)Kültür (0)Tasarım (23)Sürücüler (266)Enerji, elektrikçiler (150)Mühendislik (36)Mobilya, montaj, onarım (57)Valiler ve Bahçeler (9)Saç stilistleri ve makyaj sanatçıları (65)Konukseverlik (88)Ortak Hizmetler (13)İnsan Kaynakları (7)Sigorta (5)İnternet Tabanlı Teknolojileri Bilgilendir (10)Hukuk (4)Sanatkarları (176)Gelişme (14)Lojistik (41)Bina Bakımı (8)Yönetim (39)Medya: basın, radyo, televizyon (3)İlaç (163)Diğer (43)Eğitim, Çocuk Bakımı, Bebek Bakımı (96)Bir Zaman Üzerinde Çalışmak (0)Operatörler (100)Sanatçılar (1)Polis, Ordu (0)Yazdır (2)Reklam, Pazarlama, Halkla İlişkiler (15)Güç (5)Üretim (486)Koruma (6)Kamu Hizmetleri (0)Düzenle (0)Gayrimenkul (31)Ekipman Onarımı (4)Restoranlar (214)Perakende (151)Bilim ve Eğitim (4)Sekreterliği (9)Güvenlik (1)Servis Merkezleri (80)Eğlence Endüstrisi (7)Şarkıcılar, Müzisyenler ve Sanatçılar (1)SPA, güzellik salonları (158)Fiziksel Kültür ve Spor (6)Depolama (270)Öğrenciler İçin Çalışmalar (2)Terziler ve Dikişler (51)Öğretmenler, eğitimciler (14)Teknisyenler (215)Telekomünikasyon (21)Turlar ve geziler (6)Toptan ve Satış (13)Çevirmenler, Dilbilimciler (1)Evde Çalışmak (138)
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