Informații despre loc de muncă
InternetJobs Lemmer, Frizia, Țările de Jos 57 zile În urmă

Prezentare generală
Tipul de ocupare: Ocuparea completa
Durata muncii:
Salariu: € prin acord - Pe luna
Postul vacant din domeniu: Producere
pentru specialiști: Lucrătorii în producție
Postat: 2024-04-19
Cod postal:
Minim Educatie: Liceu
Experiența minima: Fără experiență
Gen: Nu conteaza
Vârsta: de la - până la
Viză de lucru: Pașaportul UE
Stare de loc de munca
Începutul publicării: 2024-04-19
Sfârșitul publicării: 2024-10-19
Locuri libere: 8
Numărul de vizionări: 269
Pașii următori: Trimiteți-mi CV-ul dvs

Contacte angajatorului sunt disponibili numai pentru utilizatorii autorizați: Logare & Inregistrare

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Regiunea: Frizia


Are you looking for a challenge in technology but don't have much experience yet? Polem is a company in Lemmer that gladly takes people by the hand to teach them the job. You are available to work in 2 shifts: from 6:00 to 14:15 and from 14:30 to 22:15. You are also available for 32 to 40 hours per week.

what we offer
Travel allowance of 0.23 cents per km!
Quickly on contract with Polem!
Lemmer, Friesland
A job where you can bring out the best in yourself
A unique company that cares for its employees
Working in 2 shifts with an additional allowance!
who are you
You have gained some technical knowledge through a course you have followed or through work experience. You can apply this knowledge in practice. Even if you have not gained any experience yet, you are welcome to apply. It is important, however, that you have technical insight. You will be reading technical drawings and working with machines.

You are also available for 32-40 hours per week and will work in 2 shifts. This means that one week you will work early shifts, from 6:00 am to 14:15 pm. The following week, you will work shifts from 14:30 pm to 22:15 pm.

You are eager to work with your hands! Additionally, you are curious and eager to learn.

what will you do
The entire process begins with you. The goal is to produce beautiful silos and tanks for the customer. Today, you start with a new mold to create a beautiful silo. This is often done with the machine. You will set up the machine for pressure, sufficient resin, and other materials to achieve the right ratio. Once everything is ready, the production of the product begins. Do not underestimate it! You will be working with silos and tanks of about 9 meters in diameter! You will precisely and accurately control the process mechanically and intervene where necessary. When the process is finished, the product goes to your colleagues for the final phase.

where will you work
You will work for Polem, a company in Lemmer. They have been specialists in their product for 50 years. Polem is seen both nationally and internationally as the producer of composite silos and tanks. A European market leader where craftsmanship and innovation go hand in hand! About 100 employees work for this company, and you can be a part of it!

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