Firmeninformation : American Group, Placement Agency


American Group, Placement Agency


We are The United States incorporated Representative office providing Visitor Exchange programs. Our clients are people from many different countries who would like to work with some great USA companies through the J1 (Work and travel, Training and Intern programs) and H2A (Farm Workers).

Our company makes a job search and employment. We have contracts with many large and small U.S. companies, and we are constantly looking for work, both for citizens of other countries, and for Americans. There is a large base of jobs in different states of America. Another type of our activities is the visa support. We assist with documents on all the types of visas in the U.S.. As well as dealing with change of status, and the extension of visas for citizens in the territory of the United States.



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Kontaktname: Sergey Black
Rubrik : Administrative Aufgaben
Seit : 2025-01-04

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