Care worker Receptionsist / Support Worker
InternetJobs Drogheda, Irland 230 Tage Vor

Auftragstyp: Vollzeit
Gehaltsspanne: € nach Vereinbarung - pro Monat
Vakanz des Bereichs: Pflege
für Spezialisten: Pflegeheim
Eingestellt: 2024-05-05
Mindest Bildung: Gymnasium
Mindesterfahrung: Weniger als 1 Jahr
Geschlecht: Macht nichts
Lebensalter: Von - Bis
Arbeitsvisum: EU-Pass
Starten Publishing: 2024-05-05
Stop-Publishing: 2024-12-05
Freie Plätze: 1
Treffer: 573
Weitere Aktionen: Send me Resume

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Arbeitgeberinformationen InternetJobs Drogheda, Irland
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Land: Irland

Eligibility to participate on CE is generally linked to those who are 21 years or over and in receipt of a qualifying social welfare payment for 1 year or more or 18 years and over for certain disadvantaged groups. Your eligibility will have to be verified by the Department.

You can register your interest by selecting the ‘Register your interest’ button or you can contact a case officer in your local Intreo Centre.

Applicants should supply suitable character references and be prepared to complete a Garda vetting application form.

Job Description

This is a developmental opportunity, no experience necessary. Accredited training will be provided to support your career.

We are a 7day per week, 24hr service with working shifts: of 9-1, 1-5, 9-3, evenings 3-9pm , 9pm-9am(sleeping shift 1am-7am).
You will be working alongside a core member of staff during your time on CE.
You will be working with women & children in crisis. There will be times you are talking to distressed women on the telephone; or in person. You will be required to update files, so excellent written and spoken English is essential. In order to work with our vulnerable clients, it is essential that you are a kind; patient; non-judgemental and supportive person. Confidentiality is paramount, also the ability to work as part of a team. Light housekeeping duties are also part of this position.
Full In-House Training is given, so whilst experience working with marginalised groups would be a definite advantage, it is not compulsory.

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