Occupational Therapist – Part-Time or Subcontractor
Location: Geelong, VIC
Salary: Pro Rata $80,000 - $100,000
Opportunity to grow in to a full-time role with growth.
About Us
We are a community-based occupational therapy practice specializing in neurological conditions. We provide authentic, high-quality, and collaborative care to our clients. Our mission is to empower individuals to achieve well-being and independence through an occupation-first approach.
What We Offer
Flexible hours: Part-time or subcontractor options available.
Collaborative environment: Work with a team that values authenticity, collaboration, and a person-first approach. Collaborate with a passionate team, where your input and ideas matter.
Opportunity for professional growth: Grow with the business as we expand, with potential for full-time work and leadership roles in the future
Supportive team culture: We focus on achieving high-quality outcomes for our clients, and we want our team to love their work too!
Caseload: Adults with Neurological conditions under schemes of NDIS, TAC, WorkSafe and Private.
Be part of a genuine, occupation-focused practice that puts people first (both staff and clients!)
About You
You're passionate about making a difference in people’s lives
You value a person-first, goal-oriented approach to therapy
You have experience working with clients with neurological conditions (or a strong desire to learn)
You’re organised, motivated, and can work independently, while enjoying being part of a team
You’re open to feedback and thrive in a collaborative setting
You want to show up to work authentically you
Key Responsibilities
Provide community-based occupational therapy services, with a focus on neurological rehabilitation
Build strong relationships with clients and collaborate with their support teams
Work with clients through funding bodies of NDIS, TAC, Private & WorkSafe.
Participate in team meetings and contribute to the growth of the practice
Bachelor of Occupational Therapy
Valid drivers licence, and own car
Professional indemnity insurance
NDIS screeners check
Police Check
How to Apply
If you're ready to join a supportive, growing practice and make a real impact in the lives of your clients, we’d love to hear from you! Please send your resume and a brief cover letter outlining your experience and what excites you about this role
Employer questions
Your application will include the following questions:
How many years' experience do you have as an occupational therapist?
Do you have a current Police Check (National Police Certificate) for employment?
Are you currently registered with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA)?
Do you have a current NDIS Worker Screening Check?
How much notice are you required to give your current employer?
Do you have a current Australian driver's licence?
What's your preferred work type?
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Auftragstyp: Vollzeit
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Datum: 2025-02-13
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