Marketing Assistant
InternetJobs Bangor, Nordirland, Großbritannien 31 Tage Vor

Auftragstyp: Vollzeit
Gehaltsspanne: £ nach Vereinbarung - pro Stunde
Vakanz des Bereichs: PR
für Spezialisten: Händler-Marketing
Eingestellt: 2025-02-25
Mindest Bildung: Universitäts-
Mindesterfahrung: 1 Jahr
Geschlecht: Macht nichts
Lebensalter: Von - Bis
Arbeitsvisum: EU-Pass
Starten Publishing: 2025-02-25
Stop-Publishing: 2025-08-25
Freie Plätze: 1
Treffer: 294
Weitere Aktionen: Send me Resume

Arbeitgeberkontakte sind nur für autorisierte Benutzer verfügbar: Einloggen & Registrieren

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Region: Nordirland

This is an exciting opportunity to join one of the leading care providers in the UK. Based in our Head Office in Bangor, Co. Down you will contribute to our social media and communication activities, to raise the profile of the company.

Contribute to the development of our social media and communication strategies.
Implement our social media and communication strategies including campaigns.
Develop campaigns that promote the brand including PPC, Facebook and Google Ads.
Create engaging text, image, email and video content for our social media, company website and internal communications.
Track the performance analytics of campaigns, including engagement, SEO and web traffic.
To be actively involved in our recruitment process to achieve recruitment goals.
Establish and engage with a network of professionals, influencers and other stakeholders.
Ensure effective, up to date, positive communication to staff and service users.
Drafting and distributing press releases, fact sheets etc.
Stay up-to-date with changes and trends in all social media platforms and digital technologies.
Any other tasks that the Company may reasonably require you from time to time to do any work within your capacity and which is necessary for the needs of the business.
Skills and Qualifications
Essential Skills

Marketing / Communications Degree or working towards

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