Care Support Worker Neue

Auftragstyp: Vollzeit
Gehaltsspanne: $ nach Vereinbarung - pro Stunde
Vakanz des Bereichs: Pflege
für Spezialisten: Betreuungspersonen
Eingestellt: 2025-03-04
Mindest Bildung: Gymnasium
Mindesterfahrung: Weniger als 1 Jahr
Geschlecht: Macht nichts
Lebensalter: Von - Bis
Arbeitsvisum: Schengen
Starten Publishing: 2025-03-04
Stop-Publishing: 2025-09-04
Freie Plätze: 2
Treffer: 36
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Land: Australien
Region: Neusüdwales

At Mosaic Multicultural Connections (Mosaic) our home care services are growing. We have aged care clients throughout the Newcastle, Port Stephens, Lake Macquarie and Hunter areas.

Mosaic is an independent not for profit organisation providing a range of services including aged care to culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities across the Hunter, Central Coast and New England regions of NSW.

One of the most rewarding things you can do in life is to provide assistance for those that need a hand. We have many clients in their own homes that just need a bit of support and TLC.

You would be providing assistance to keep our clients safe and well. It is surprising what a difference you can make to someone just helping them doing things they may need a bit of assistance to do things they may be unable to safely do themselves.

We have multiple opportunities for permanent part-time and casual care support workers to join our team and work with our diverse group of clients. If you have experience in the sector and are looking to work with a team of like-minded individuals, we have the role for you.

About the role

Our Care Support Workers provide direct assistance to our clients to assist their quality of life, keeping them safe and well. This may include helping clients with daily activities such as personal care, meal preparation, transport to appointments, medication and light domestic assistance, social and respite supports.

To be successful in this role, you will: 

• Be willing to travel locally between clients

• Be flexible to work various shifts including some afternoon and weekend services

• Have genuine empathy and interest in working in a multicultural field.

• Hold a current driver’s licence.

• Have a reliable motor vehicle with registration and comprehensive insurance.

• Have a mobile phone.

• Hold a current First Aid Certificate or be willing to undertake the course.

• Have required Immmunisations as directed by Mosaic

• Hold Cert III in Individual Support in Aged care, or working towards - desirable but not essential for some roles

• A National Police check and Working with Children Check is required.

We have clients across a range of backgrounds, but ideally, we are seeking people who may speak another language as we have a high number of clients who speak another language apart from english.

Why work for us?

• Genuine career development opportunities

• Wide variety of clients from different backgrounds.

• Award rates

• Access to salary sacrifice as not for profit organisation

• Access to Employee Assistance Program


For further information about Mosaic, visit

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