Social Worker - Papakura
Permanent position available at our Papakura Site!!
We're offering a competitive salary starting from $81,206 to $97,557, depending on experience
About the role | Mō te tūnga
In order to make positive changes in the lives of children and families in our community, we need people like you who have knowledge, experience and are passionate about the wellbeing of children. Join a team with big hearts and a passion for getting things right for its children, young people and community. You can be part of a positive and supportive team and help children and young people be safe, strong and thrive.
Hear tamariki and rangatahi voices and support them or their whānau to make positive changes
Work with various cultural groups and people from different backgrounds
Complete full assessments on the tamariki, rangatahi and whānau
Be able to hold and facilitate a hui, with a focus on supporting whānau to grow their capacity to care for their tamariki and rangatahi
Be involved in planning and delivering interventions to maintain tamariki and rangatahi within their whānau
Work alongside partners in our community, non-government organisations and state sector agencies
Be an advocate on behalf of tamariki and rangatahi to ensure they have the support and resources needed to reach their full potential
What you will bring | Ngā pūmanawatanga ōu
Ideal candidate for this role is an experienced Social Worker who has worked in Aotearoa in a similar role for a non-governmental organisation (NGO) sector and/or someone who has worked within Oranga Tamariki previously.
A full, clean, current driver's licence
Full registration with New Zealand's Social Work Registration Board (SWRB) and Current practicing certificate
A social worker qualification recognised by the SWRB
Recent and relevant experience with Oranga Tamariki and one of our Social Worker roles
Empathy, patience and ability to see past what someone may be struggling with
Experience within the child protection sector, preferably within NZ
The ability to analyse and prepare social work and other plans e.g. financial
Able to demonstrate sound judgement and organisational skills
The ability to manage risk and make tough decisions
What's in it for you | Nōu te rourou
We offer a vibrant and supportive team, flexible work options and a genuine commitment to wellbeing. We offer training and professional development so that you can thrive and grow. We welcome diversity and are committed to working in an inclusive and respectful way. This is your opportunity to apply your skills and experience to the wellbeing of Tamariki and Rangatahi.
Mō mātou | About us
Oranga Tamariki—Ministry for Children has a commitment to putting tamariki and rangatahi at the heart of what we do.
We are committed to ensuring that New Zealand is the best place in the world to be a child. We are also committed to ensuring Oranga Tamariki partners with hapū, iwi and Māori organisations to find appropriate solutions for tamariki in need.
We are committed to putting tamariki first, we believe aroha is vital, we respect the mana of people, we are tika and pono, we value whakapapa and we recognise that oranga is a journey.
Applications for this role closes on Sunday 23rd March 2025!!
If you are interested in any of our vacancies, please ensure that you make yourself familiar with our code of conduct as it sets out our expectations for our kaimahi and requires you to present at work free from the influences of both drugs and alcohol.
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KFZ-Meister (m/w/d) - Deutschland, Fulda
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Auftragstyp: Vollzeit
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Auftragstyp: Vollzeit
Datum: 2025-03-16
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Aktuelle Lebenslauf
- Cast Accounting (91)
- Controlling Buchhaltung (24)
- Personalabrechnung (11)
- Unternehmensfinanzierung (14)
- Sekretäre (57)
- Direktoren (3)
- Führungskräfte (19)
- Öffentlichkeitsarbeit (37)
- Finanzwerbung (1)
- Verteilung von Flugblättern und Broschüren (8)
- Werbung für soziale Netzwerke (2)
- Händler-Marketing (17)
- Tourismusmanager (5)
- Führer (2)
- Reservierung von Tickets und Hotels (1)
- Architekturentwurf (2)
- Architekturtechnik (16)
- Fahrzeugdesign (9)
- Automotive Farben (62)
- Reparatur von Automobilreifen (39)
- Automechanisch (205)
- Banking (7)
- Arbeiter Erbauer (51)
- Innenausbau von Räumlichkeiten (191)
- Neue Gebäude (288)
- Softwareentwicklung (18)
- Ozean Engingeering (40)
- Transpotationstechnik (7)
- Es Sicherheit (1)
- Vertrauliche und geheime Sicherheit (1)
- Design-Studios (5)
- Innenarchitektur (6)
- Gebietsgestaltung (6)
- Computerberatungsdienste (1)
- Computerinstallationsdienste (10)
- Softwareanbieter (18)
- Renovierung (221)
- Nachtclubs (8)
- Casino (6)
- Animatoren (10)
- High Touch Kundenservice (4)
- Webmaster (12)
- Online-Freiberufler (2)
- Durch die Verwendung von Retained Counsel (3)
- Projektdesign (12)
- Grafikdesign (11)
- Lehrer (10)
- Management im Handel (35)
- Leiter der Außenwirtschaftsabteilung (9)
- Transportlogistik (24)
- Warenlogistik (45)
- Thermische Energie (1)
- Elektrische Installation (110)
- Umspannwerke (6)
- Krankenschwestern (172)
- Apotheker (29)
- Ärzte (68)
- Deans (1)
- Immobilienagentur (53)
- Leibwächter (1)
- Sicherheitsbeamte in der Einrichtung (7)
- Typografie (1)
- Polygraph Produktionstechnologe (1)
- Kfz-Versicherung (1)
- Hauswirtschaft (183)
- Freiberufliche Arbeit (1)
- Kellner und Barkeeper (127)
- Hilfe in der Küche (133)
- Verkäufer hinter dem Ladentisch (40)
- Verkäufer Consultants (141)
- Kassierer (38)
- Allgemeine Wartung (17)
- Automobil-Wartung (81)
- Ausrüstung Manitenance (17)
- Projektmanagement (3)
- Planung (8)
- Risikomanagement (1)
- Feldarbeit (26)
- Viehzucht (56)
- Gewächshäuser und Gewächshäuser (12)
- Verpackungsarbeiter (104)
- Lader-Operator (104)
- Annahme der Lieferung (230)
- Einkaufsmanager (5)
- Logist (2)
- Trainer (6)
- Sportvereine (1)
- Fitnessclubs (3)
- Radio (2)
- Fernsehen (1)
- Versicherungsagent (6)
- Baumeister (274)
- Recruiting Manager (10)
- Gebäudetechniker (3)
- Spezialist in der Kontrolle des Betriebes des Gebäudes (6)
- Arbeiter (217)
- Urheber (47)
- Hausverwalter (27)
- Medizintechniker (6)
- Elektrotechniker (131)
- Mechaniker der Ausrüstung (215)
- Kurier Lieferung (62)
- Geheimniskäufer (1)
- Intelligenzarbeit (4)
- Autowäsche (52)
- Krankenschwestern (41)
- Pflegeheim (54)
- Reinigung von Wohnvierteln (163)
- Reinigung von Nicht-Wohngebäuden (460)
- Fensterreinigung (13)
- Beratungsunternehmen (2)
- Beratungsdienste (9)
- Bäckerei (63)
- Café und Bistro (127)
- Restaurants (206)
- Hausmannskost (16)
- Tätowierungs-Salons (2)
- LKW, Fahrer (335)
- Persönlicher Fahrer (5)
- Taxi (12)
- Transport von Passagieren (25)
- Kategorie B (70)
- Elektrotechnik (119)
- Möbelfirmen (41)
- Reparatur von Möbeln (5)
- Möbelmontage (29)
- Pflege für den Garten (17)
- Haushaltsführung (9)
- SPA (84)
- Maskenbildner (3)
- Versorgungsdienste (5)
- Haus des Sozialdienstes (9)
- Die Maids (59)
- Empfang (15)
- Service-Personal (58)
- Landverbesserungen (29)
- Durchführung von Housing (1)
- Rechtsanwälte bei den Unternehmen (9)
- Manager (24)
- Coacher (2)
- Diplomat (5)
- Innovator (10)
- Unternehmer (16)
- Kindermädchen (103)
- Kindergärtner (10)
- Babysitting (8)
- Maschinenbediener (157)
- Call-Center-Betreiber (18)
- Arbeiter in der Produktion (650)
- Manufakturen und Fabriken (150)
- Produktmanager (22)
- Qualitätsspezialist (33)
- Wächter (1)
- Mechaniker auf Reparatur von Haushaltsgeräten (8)
- Reparatur von mobilen Geräten (2)
- Gastgeberin (8)
- Köche (81)
- Arbeiter auf dem Layout der Waren (47)
- Straßenhandel (6)
- Betreuungspersonen (206)
- Musikalische Gruppen (1)
- Maniküre, Pediküre (104)
- Kosmetologen (48)
- Wimpernverlängerung (10)
- Masseure (23)
- Friseure (35)
- Technologe der nähenden Industrie (2)
- Näherinnen (61)
- Schneider (4)
- Modedesignerin (1)
- Dienstleistungen des privaten Sektors (3)
- Telekommunikationsingenieur (3)
- Kommunikationselektriker (20)
- Mobile Kommunikation (2)
- Postamt (12)
- Übersetzer von Texten (1)
- Persönlicher Übersetzer (3)