Country Club Tasmania is nestled amongst 300 acres of parkland, lakes, and rolling paddocks, abundant with wildlife, fresh air, and tranquillity yet only minutes from Launceston’s CBD. It's Launceston's premier choice for holiday accommodation, dining and entertainment. With 5 restaurants, 4 bars, 88 hotel rooms, 16 suites, 74 villa units, conference and banquet facilities, a casino, an 18-hole golf course, and sporting and recreational facilities, we guarantee these positions will keep you busy and engaged!
What you can expect in a day in the role:
We are excited to have a part-time Store Person position available. In this role you will be responsible for receiving all inward goods, delivering stock to outlets, maintaining the loading bay and stores areas, and monitoring stock control. You will be instrumental in ensuring the efficient and effective processes and procedures are followed, minimise wastage, and provide a great service to internal customers.
Some duties will include but are not limited to:
Safe receipt of goods
Delivery of stock to outlets and dealing with internal staff inquiries
Inventory control and stocktakes
Liaising with external customers over the phone and email
Operating and maintaining beverage systems
What you’ll bring to the role:
The ideal candidate will demonstrate exceptional communication and computer skills, with the ability to quickly understand our processes and make an immediate impact. A strong understanding or prior experience in a stores or stock environment is essential, along with the following:
Passion for providing exceptional customer service
Brilliant communication skills
Ability to work effectively in a team environment
Computer skills with a strong understanding of Word & Outlook and the ability to pick up on systems quickly
Outstanding organisation and administration skills
Hold a current full manual driver's license
Ability to work a rotating roster 4 days a week including Saturdays
Ability to meet the physical demands of the position
An appointee to this role may be subject to pre-employment and ongoing screening checks.
What you can expect from us:
We offer secure employment, above-award wages and conditions, free parking, a free meal per shift, and fully laundered uniforms, along with fantastic discounts and benefits across Federal Group and with our external business partners. All this and a great place to work!
Marktmitarbeiter (m/w/d) | Teilzeit | Vollzeit - Deutschland, Werder
Vakanz des Bereichs: Einzelhandel
Auftragstyp: Vollzeit
Datum: 2025-02-12
риелтор по недвижимости - Großbritannien, London
Vakanz des Bereichs: Grundeigentum
Auftragstyp: Vollzeit
Datum: 2025-02-12
Hauswirtschaft-/ Reinigungskraft (m/w/d) - Deutschland, Spenge
Vakanz des Bereichs: Reinigungsdienste
Auftragstyp: Teilzeit
Datum: 2025-02-12
Требуется опекунка - Polen, Warschau
Vakanz des Bereichs: Pflege
Auftragstyp: Vollzeit
Datum: 2025-02-12
Reinigungskraft - Deutschland, Kaufbeuren
Vakanz des Bereichs: Reinigungsdienste
Auftragstyp: Teilzeit
Datum: 2025-02-12
Лидер на продукцию - Polen, Mielec
Vakanz des Bereichs: Produktion
Auftragstyp: Vollzeit
Datum: 2025-02-12
Оператор гибочного станка - Estland, Tallinn
Vakanz des Bereichs: Betreiber
Auftragstyp: Vollzeit
Datum: 2025-02-12
Pracownik budowlany drogowy brukarz - Polen, Lauenburg in Pommern
Vakanz des Bereichs: Bau
Auftragstyp: Vollzeit
Datum: 2025-02-12
Маляр металлоконструкций - Estland, Weissenstein
Vakanz des Bereichs: Produktion
Auftragstyp: Vollzeit
Datum: 2025-02-12
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Aktuelle Lebenslauf
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