Chef de Partie
InternetJobs Ashbourne, Irland 131 Tage Vor

Auftragstyp: Vollzeit
Gehaltsspanne: € nach Vereinbarung - pro Monat
Vakanz des Bereichs: Köche
für Spezialisten: Restaurants
Eingestellt: 2024-11-17
Mindest Bildung: Hochschule
Mindesterfahrung: 2 Jahre
Geschlecht: Macht nichts
Lebensalter: Von - Bis
Arbeitsvisum: EU-Pass
Starten Publishing: 2024-11-17
Stop-Publishing: 2025-05-17
Freie Plätze: 1
Treffer: 541
Weitere Aktionen: Send me Resume

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Arbeitgeberinformationen InternetJobs Ashbourne, Irland
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Land: Irland

We are seeking a talented Chef de Partie to join our dynamic culinary team. The ideal candidate will be responsible for supervising a specific section of the kitchen, ensuring the preparation and presentation of high-quality dishes. Responsibilities include:
Preparing, cooking, and presenting dishes within your speciality.
Managing and training junior team members.
Maintaining high standards of food hygiene and following health and safety regulations.
Assisting in the development of new dishes and menus.
Monitoring portion and waste control to maintain profit margins.

Job Requirements:
A minimum of 2 to 3 years of proven experience as a Chef de Partie.
Excellent knowledge of various cooking methods, ingredients, equipment, and processes.
Ability to multitask and work efficiently under pressure.
Knowledge of best culinary practices.

Annual Salary: €34,000
Hours per Week: 39 hours
Start Date: 13/01/2025

Please send your CV and cover letter to the email address above

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