Car Cleaner
InternetJobs Queanbeyan, Neusüdwales, Australien 67 Tage Vor

Auftragstyp: Vollzeit
Gehaltsspanne: $ nach Vereinbarung - pro Stunde
Vakanz des Bereichs: Auto Geschäft
für Spezialisten: Autowäsche
Eingestellt: 2024-12-25
Mindest Bildung: Gymnasium
Mindesterfahrung: Keine Erfahrung
Geschlecht: Macht nichts
Lebensalter: Von - Bis
Arbeitsvisum: Schengen
Starten Publishing: 2024-12-25
Stop-Publishing: 2025-06-25
Freie Plätze: 1
Treffer: 371
Weitere Aktionen: Send me Resume

Arbeitgeberkontakte sind nur für autorisierte Benutzer verfügbar: Einloggen & Registrieren

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Land: Australien
Region: Neusüdwales

OzCar Queanbeyan NSW

Australia's Largest and most innovative motor vehicle retailer OzCar - requires the service of a keen and energetic Yard Hand for our Queanbeyan Dealership

Remuneration will be determined by experience

Key responsibilities and duties and what OzCar can offer

Experience is required
Duties include washing Vehicles whilst at the same time maintaining the presentation of the branch.
Delivery of cars may also be required to assist the Sales Department, therefore applicant MUST HAVE A CURRENT DRIVERS LICENSE.
Some of your duties will include cleaning office's and washrooms
emptying the bins
Maintaining the gardens and keeping weeds out of the yard
You also will be picking up vehicles from other OzCar branches


Employer questions
Your application will include the following questions:
Which of the following statements best describes your right to work in Australia?
How many years' experience do you have as a Car Cleaner?
Do you have a current Australian driver's licence?
How much notice are you required to give your current employer?

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