Practice Nurse (RN)

Auftragstyp: Vollzeit
Gehaltsspanne: $ nach Vereinbarung - pro Monat
Vakanz des Bereichs: Medizinisch
für Spezialisten: Krankenschwestern
Eingestellt: 2025-02-07
Mindest Bildung: Hochschule
Mindesterfahrung: 2 Jahre
Geschlecht: Macht nichts
Lebensalter: Von - Bis
Arbeitsvisum: Schengen
Starten Publishing: 2025-02-07
Stop-Publishing: 2025-08-07
Freie Plätze: 1
Treffer: 295
Weitere Aktionen: Send me Resume

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Land: Australien
Region: Südaustralien

Exciting Opportunity: Practice Nurse (RN) at Littlehampton Medical Centre

About the role
We are looking for a dedicated and enthusiastic Register Nurse to join our professional and dynamic team at Littlehampton Medical Centre, located in the scenic Adelaide Hills.

At Littlehampton Medical Centre, we pride ourselves on delivering exceptional patient care with a holistic approach.

This is an excellent opportunity to enhance and maintain your skills across a range of primary healthcare areas, including but not limited to:

Chronic Disease Management
Health Assessments
Vaccination Administration
Wound Care Management
GP Assistance with Minor Procedures and IV Infusions
Triage and Treatment Room Management (fully equipped)
Quality Improvement and Accreditation Initiatives
Position Requirements:

Current AHPRA registration
Minimum of 2 years of registered nursing experience
National Police and WWC clearance
Experience in General Practice and Immunisation is highly regarded
The ideal candidate will be confident, highly skilled, and a flexible team player with a passion for primary healthcare. Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal, computer literacy, and the ability to work independently are essential.

If you are ready to join a supportive and vibrant team, please send your cover letter and CV

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