Bore Runner Neue

Auftragstyp: Vollzeit
Gehaltsspanne: $ nach Vereinbarung - pro Stunde
Vakanz des Bereichs: Landwirtschaft
für Spezialisten: Viehzucht
Eingestellt: 2025-03-15
Mindest Bildung: Gymnasium
Mindesterfahrung: Keine Erfahrung
Geschlecht: Macht nichts
Lebensalter: Von - Bis
Arbeitsvisum: Schengen
Starten Publishing: 2025-03-15
Stop-Publishing: 2025-09-15
Freie Plätze: 3
Treffer: 45
Weitere Aktionen: Send me Resume

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Who we are:

The Australian Agricultural Company (AACo) is Australia’s largest integrated cattle and beef producer, specialising in grass-fed, grain-fed, and Wagyu beef production. Established back in 1824, we’ve been doing this a while – in fact, we’re Australia’s oldest continuously operating company. We’ve had plenty of time to figure out how to be the best workplace we can be, with all the support, training, and opportunity you need to shape your career how you want to. We’re dedicated to acknowledging our history even as we look to sustainably feed the future – and we’d love you to join us.

Key Responsibilities:

Safely perform your job and take responsibility for your safe work behaviour.
Checking turkey nest level, turkey nest fences, troughs, motors, pump jacks and helical rotors at each bore.
Ensuring water supply levels are correct.
Keeping a written record of bores checking the level of water at each turkey next, the number of cattle at each trough, and maintenance on fences, troughs and motors.
Maintain bore runner motor vehicle and report any breakdowns.

Required Skills & Experience:

Previous experience in a similar role (desired)
Mechanical knowledge and experience (desired)
Ability to coordinate a daily and weekly work schedule.
Capability to work both alone and as part of a team.


Competitive remuneration & allowances.
Ongoing training and development, both on-the-job and from external providers.
Wi-Fi access and air-conditioned accommodation.
Internal transfer and career opportunities.

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