Products and Prototyping
This is a unique opportunity for a practical, hands-on machine operator with a keen eye for fine details dedicated to making quality products to join our team.
In this position you will have the opportunity to build and assemble advanced green energy technologies. The successful candidate will contribute by fulfilling Production Order request for different and unique parts, subcomponents, according to a set of strict work instructions. We are looking for experienced Production technicians with an electro-mechanical aptitude and experience from industrial screen, film, Roll to Roll printing industry or similar, with a wide range of experience operating machines from computer-controlled routers and cutters to hydraulic heated platen presses. As part of entering a young but rapidly growing Workshop Facility, you will also have an early opportunity to be involved in witnessing commissioning and first-time operation of acquired Equipment.
Reporting to the production superintendent, you will contribute to building excellent working relationships with all customers, external and internal with a strong focus on safety, quality, and production. In time, you will be able to provide support and recommend changes to enhance manufacturing efficiencies.
Key accountabilities will include:
Effectively and safely complete production instructions for multiple processes to make a single part
Operating various manufacturing machines and closely adhering to the defined processes
Performing assessments of trial and finished products using various physical testing equipment and instrumentation to ensure quality product is delivered
Ensuring that issues are flagged in a timely manner to promote a continuous improvement culture.
Set up and perform minor calibrations and inspection of machinery, as needed
Ensuring technical best practice is adopted in the manufacture and quality control of parts
Liaising with engineers, lab technicians, and process supervisors to ensure machine settings and product quality is optimised.
Maintaining clean safe work areas
Ensuring all Production data is entered accurately in ERP System -SAP
Qualifications and skills required:
Diploma in a technical trade, or high school diploma with an industry relevant skill
Solid understanding and industry experience working with different film materials within one or more of the fields of adhesives, coatings, and/or elastomers, thin films, industrial screen printing, vinyl sign making, composites layup experience, print manufacturing or laminating industry experience will see you shortlisted
Lean manufacturing, six sigma training, or exposure to ISO9001 standards an asset
Solid practical skills with experience loading and unloading raw materials into processing machines, Operating manufacturing machines, and managing product quality an asset.
Enjoy working in a dynamic, fast-paced environment in collaboration with other like-minded team members and adjacent project teams
Highly responsible and trustworthy
A keen focus on fine details and quality
Excellent organizational, time management, record keeping skills
Strong focus on safety required
About Airswift
Airswift is an international workforce solutions provider within the energy, process and infrastructure industries. Airswift serves as a strategic partner to our clients, offering a turnkey workforce solution to capture and deliver the top talent needed to complete successful projects by aligning with the unique needs of our clients.
With over 1000 employees and 9,000+ contractors operating in over 130 countries, our geographical reach and pool of talent available is unmatched in the industry and the level of experience, exposure and expertise that the organization has is unparalleled.
Only candidates with the right to work in Australia will be considered. (Australia Citizen, PR Holder, or Valid Australia working VISA)
If you would like to be considered for the position, please apply directly to this advertisement or send your application via email with your updated CV/ resume & contact details.
Employer questions
Your application will include the following questions:
Which of the following statements best describes your right to work in Australia?
Assistenza anziani e disabili - Italien, Varazze
Vakanz des Bereichs: Pflege
Auftragstyp: Vollzeit
Datum: 2024-11-23
требуется личная помощница - Finnland, Hyvinkää
Vakanz des Bereichs: Pflege
Auftragstyp: Vollzeit
Datum: 2024-11-23
Skilled Worker and Driver - Malta, Żebbuġ
Vakanz des Bereichs: Fahrer
Auftragstyp: Vollzeit
Datum: 2024-11-23
Начальник склада - Vereinigte Arabische Emirate, Dubai
Vakanz des Bereichs: Lagerhäuser
Auftragstyp: Vollzeit
Datum: 2024-11-23
Badante - Italien, Cassino
Vakanz des Bereichs: Pflege
Auftragstyp: Vollzeit
Datum: 2024-11-23
Работа на свиноферме - Deutschland, Bonn
Vakanz des Bereichs: Landwirtschaft
Auftragstyp: Arbeit mit Unterkunft
Datum: 2024-11-23
Животноводство-работники - Deutschland, Bonn
Vakanz des Bereichs: Landwirtschaft
Auftragstyp: Arbeit mit Unterkunft
Datum: 2024-11-23
Конеферма-конюх - Deutschland, München
Vakanz des Bereichs: Landwirtschaft
Auftragstyp: Arbeit mit Unterkunft
Datum: 2024-11-23
Лестничество- работник - Deutschland, Bonn
Vakanz des Bereichs: Landwirtschaft
Auftragstyp: Arbeit mit Unterkunft
Datum: 2024-11-23
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Aktuelle Lebenslauf
- Cast Accounting (104)
- Controlling Buchhaltung (21)
- Personalabrechnung (6)
- Unternehmensfinanzierung (13)
- Sekretäre (72)
- Direktoren (4)
- Führungskräfte (15)
- Öffentlichkeitsarbeit (40)
- Verteilung von Flugblättern und Broschüren (9)
- Werbung für soziale Netzwerke (1)
- Händler-Marketing (12)
- Tourismusmanager (5)
- Führer (4)
- Reservierung von Tickets und Hotels (1)
- Architekturentwurf (1)
- Architekturtechnik (16)
- Fahrzeugdesign (6)
- Automotive Farben (70)
- Reparatur von Automobilreifen (34)
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- Computerinstallationsdienste (6)
- Softwareanbieter (19)
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- Lehrer (15)
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- Krankenschwestern (155)
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- Ärzte (69)
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- Deans (1)
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- Polygraph Produktionstechnologe (1)
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- Hauswirtschaft (196)
- Freiberufliche Arbeit (1)
- Kellner und Barkeeper (157)
- Hilfe in der Küche (135)
- Verkäufer hinter dem Ladentisch (40)
- Verkäufer Consultants (163)
- Kassierer (37)
- Allgemeine Wartung (12)
- Automobil-Wartung (87)
- Ausrüstung Manitenance (20)
- Projektmanagement (2)
- Planung (11)
- Risikomanagement (2)
- Feldarbeit (38)
- Viehzucht (53)
- Gewächshäuser und Gewächshäuser (11)
- Verpackungsarbeiter (114)
- Lader-Operator (95)
- Annahme der Lieferung (250)
- Einkaufsmanager (9)
- Logist (1)
- Flotte (2)
- Trainer (7)
- Fitnessclubs (4)
- Radio (1)
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- Versicherungsagent (6)
- Baumeister (276)
- Recruiting Manager (7)
- Gebäudetechniker (3)
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- Arbeiter (263)
- Urheber (64)
- Hausverwalter (20)
- Medizintechniker (6)
- Elektrotechniker (127)
- Mechaniker der Ausrüstung (215)
- Kurier Lieferung (70)
- Geheimniskäufer (1)
- Intelligenzarbeit (5)
- Autowäsche (46)
- Krankenschwestern (55)
- Pflegeheim (55)
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- Café und Bistro (139)
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- Tätowierungs-Salons (4)
- LKW, Fahrer (328)
- Persönlicher Fahrer (9)
- Taxi (14)
- Transport von Passagieren (27)
- Kategorie B (99)
- Elektrotechnik (112)
- Möbelfirmen (34)
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- Möbelmontage (36)
- Pflege für den Garten (29)
- Haushaltsführung (11)
- SPA (74)
- Maskenbildner (2)
- Versorgungsdienste (4)
- Haus des Sozialdienstes (11)
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- Empfang (13)
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- Administratoren (1)
- Landverbesserungen (39)
- Durchführung von Housing (1)
- Rechtsanwälte bei den Unternehmen (8)
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- Coacher (4)
- Diplomat (7)
- Innovator (12)
- Unternehmer (18)
- Kindermädchen (119)
- Kindergärtner (15)
- Babysitting (10)
- Maschinenbediener (167)
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- Arbeiter in der Produktion (688)
- Manufakturen und Fabriken (183)
- Produktmanager (25)
- Qualitätsspezialist (32)
- Mechaniker auf Reparatur von Haushaltsgeräten (8)
- Reparatur von mobilen Geräten (1)
- Gastgeberin (4)
- Köche (104)
- Arbeiter auf dem Layout der Waren (50)
- Straßenhandel (6)
- Betreuungspersonen (244)
- Musikalische Gruppen (4)
- Maniküre, Pediküre (112)
- Kosmetologen (49)
- Wimpernverlängerung (8)
- Masseure (22)
- Friseure (36)
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- Schneider (6)
- Modedesignerin (2)
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- Mobile Kommunikation (2)
- Postamt (16)
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- Persönlicher Übersetzer (4)