Reinigungskräfte m/w/d - Germany, Ober-Ramstadt
Vacancies from the Field: Cleaning Services
Job Type: Part-Time
Date: 2025-01-02
Строитель - Germany, Hannover
Vacancies from the Field: Construction
Job Type: Full-Time
Date: 2025-01-02
Stellenanzeige Jungkoch (m/w/d) - Germany, Titisee-Neustadt
Vacancies from the Field: Cooks
Job Type: Full-Time
Date: 2025-01-02
Fryzjer / Fryzjerka / Barber - Poland, Żory
Vacancies from the Field: Hairdressers
Job Type: Full-Time
Date: 2025-01-02
Dipl. Gesundheits- und Krankenpfleger / DGKP (m/w/d) - Austria, Zwettl
Vacancies from the Field: Medical
Job Type: Full-Time
Date: 2025-01-02
уборки - Canada, Toronto
Vacancies from the Field: Cleaning Services
Job Type: Full-Time
Date: 2025-01-02
Foreman, Driver, Helper - United States, Alexandria
Vacancies from the Field: Drivers
Job Type: Full-Time
Date: 2025-01-02
Узбекский ресторан - United States, New York
Vacancies from the Field: Restaurants
Job Type: Full-Time
Date: 2025-01-02
Vaga motoboy - Brazil, Niterói
Vacancies from the Field: Agents
Job Type: Full-Time
Date: 2025-01-02
Latest Jobs
Specialty: Waiter
Education: College
Nationality: Philippines
Cuisinier - Slovaquie
Specialty: Chef de partie
Education: University
Nationality: France
Ищу работу - Норвегия, USA, Canada
Specialty: В сфере обслуживания и производства
Education: College
Nationality: Turkmenistan
Looking for a job in the studio - Norway, Europe
Specialty: tattoo master
Education: University
Nationality: Ukraine
Gen - Estonia
Specialty: Ex elettricista industriale
Education: High School
Nationality: Italy
Elektrotechniker - Frankfurt am Main
Specialty: Automatisierungstechnik
Education: University
Nationality: Romania
Soy Técnica en Fotografía y docente de Biología - Lituania
Specialty: Fotografa y Profesora en Biología
Education: College
Nationality: Argentina
Ana - Córdoba
Specialty: Búsqueda de empleo
Education: High School
Nationality: Afghanistan
Team of three electricians - Europe, UK
Specialty: Electrician
Education: College
Nationality: Ukraine
Latest CV
Dear friends!
We know what difficulties you have to overcome during a trip in search of work in another state. Migration path is not always easy. This separation from loved ones, changing the usual way of life, another language, other relationships and significant financial costs. In order to achieve your goals you need to learn in advance their rights and responsibilities at the entrance, settlement and employment in the state where you are going. It is because of ignorance of the law by migrant workers of the host country their journey often ends in failure. Making work for dishonest employers (or through intermediaries illegal) foreign workers face exploitation, forced and free slave labor. They live in constant fear of law enforcement agencies or immigration services, in appalling conditions, they have no right to medical care and forced to pay heavy fines. They can at any time of being deported from the country. To prevent this, we recommend that you carefully examine the Memo for migrant workers, published on our website and follow the rules established in the host country. This will protect you from unscrupulous officials and employers of illegal and will allow you to legally enforce their rights. Our project was created to help people dared to move in search of a better life to get the latest and most accurate information. Here you will find everything to do with immigration, job search and housing. Leave your resume in our database - it is much easier to find work from home. Let's hope the honesty of employers placing their vacancies on our site. We often carry out an advertising campaign around the world and our job base is updated every day.
We wish you success in your quest!
Food Safety Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Customer Service Time Management Computer Skills Presentation Skills Effective Communication Point-Of-Sale System Patiencew -
Chef de partie
Cuisinier -
В сфере обслуживания и производства
Работа в сфере сельского хозяйства, горничная в отеле. Работа в производственных фабриках -
tattoo master
basic knowledge in java/js programming, frontend. -
Ex elettricista industriale
Salve, mi chiamo Gennaro Esposito. Sono italiano e vivo in Italia. Sono sposato senza figli. Cerco lavoro nell'est europa, ne sono attratto. Lavoravo come elettricista industriale in Italia ed in Ungheria per Mercedes AMG. Non voglio più fare l'elettricista ma sono alla ricerca di lavoro nell'ambito della sicurezza o poter aiutare le persone disabili. Mi metto alla vostra disposizione, posso fare anche turni notturni. Grazie. -
Initiativbewerbung als Elektrotechnike Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, auf der Suche nach einer qualifizierten Tätigkeit bin ich über Freunde auf Ihr Unternehmen aufmerksam geworden. Die Möglichkeiten Ihres Unternehmens haben mein Interesse sehr geweckt und ich bringe als Qualifikation, in Ploieşti (Rumänien) abgeschlossenes Studium mit Bachelor Abschluss im Bereich Prozessautomatisierung, mit. Nach meinem Studium habe ich 3 Jahre als Chefingenieur in „S.R.L. Oiltech“ in Moldawien gearbeitet. Mein Aufgabenbereich erstreckte sich über Bedingung, Kontrolle und Behebung der technischen Probleme der Maschinen, Bestellung, Kontrolle und Reparatur der Ersatzteile und die Mitarbeiter mit den Aufgaben beschäftigen. Ich kam nach Deutschland im Dezember 2020 und möchte hier langfristig bleiben und meinen Beruf ausüben. Um besser die deutsche Sprache zu sprechen besuchte ich ein Sprachkurs A1 an der Volkshochschule Frankfurt. Ich bin offen, kommunikativ, verantwortungsbewusst und arbeite sehr engagiert. Es fällt mir leicht mich schnell in neue Themen einzuarbeiten und das Sammeln praktischer Erfahrungen ist für mich von großer Bedeutung. Eine Einstellung bei Ihnen könnte ich ab sofort erfolgen. Es würde mich freuen, wenn es zu einem ersten Gespräch kommt. Sollten Sie Fragen haben oder weitere Unterlagen benötigen, stehe ich gern zur Verfügung. Sie erreichen mich unter 0157 38396543. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Andrei Bulgaru Anhang Lebenslauf, Bachelor Diploma -
Fotografa y Profesora en Biología
Técnica universitaria en Fotografía y docena en el nivel medio de la Materia Biología. Trabaje en varias instituciones como docente tanto privadas como públicas. Cómo fotografa trabaje en sociales como en trabajos Artísticos. -
Búsqueda de empleo
OBJECTIVE To obtain a position as a governess, nanny and any position related to work with children WORK EXPERIENCE 2015 – 2016 Kiev, Ukraine Working in the family as a governess, teaching children English. Work with children of two, eight and ten years. Teaching skills in writing, reading, counting, English. Organization of the daily activities and conduct of leisure. Helping with school subjects. 2014-2015 Antalya, Turkey Working in the family, taking care of children, helping with housekeeping Work with children nine and seven years old. Doing a homework with your children. Organization of the regime of the day, leisure and training activities. Acquisition of English language skills. Home help: cleaning, cooking. 2008 – 2014 Donetsk, Ulraine Language school Teacher of English Working with groups of school-age children, conducting tests to determine the level of English, organizing and conducting individual classes to prepare for school. ACCOMPLISHMENTS Successful teaching of children skills in reading, writing and speaking English. Professional skills Ability to find an individual approach. The ability to organize effective activities aimed at the upbringing and education of children. Ability to adapt and stress-resistant. SKILLS Computing Skills: MS Windows (3.11, 95, 98, XP) MS Word (6.0, 7.0, 97), MS PowerPoint, MS Excel, Internet (all popular browsers ), skills of handing multimedia files Language: English – fluent EDUCATION 2013 – 2016 Horlivka Institute for Foreign Languages Teacher of English and Foreign Literature 2006 – 2011 Lugansk state pedagogical university Nursery teacher Personal information Russian native speaker, Donetsk permanent resident. Loving children, diligent, disciplined, flexible, reliable, gentle, responsible. REFERENCES Available upon request
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