Оператор, токарь, маляр - Estonia, Jüri
Vacancies from the Field: Operators
Job Type: Full-Time
Date: 2025-02-15
Требуется уборщица в офис - Germany, Pirmasens
Vacancies from the Field: Cleaning Services
Job Type: Full-Time
Date: 2025-02-15
Operai addetti all'attrezzeria - Italy, Racconigi
Vacancies from the Field: Production
Job Type: Full-Time
Date: 2025-02-15
няня без проживания - United States, Manhattan
Vacancies from the Field: Nannies
Job Type: Full-Time
Date: 2025-02-15
Sanitär Meister mit Zulassung gesucht - Germany, Sinzheim
Vacancies from the Field: Construction
Job Type: Part-Time
Date: 2025-02-15
требуются маляра - Germany, Hamburg
Vacancies from the Field: Construction
Job Type: Full-Time
Date: 2025-02-15
Badante in convivenza - Italy, Savona
Vacancies from the Field: Caring for Senior Citizens
Job Type: Work with Accommodation
Date: 2025-02-15
требуется русскоговорящая помощница воспитателя - United States, Brooklyn
Vacancies from the Field: Nannies
Job Type: Full-Time
Date: 2025-02-15
Reinigungskraft gesucht - Germany, Hemer
Vacancies from the Field: Cleaning Services
Job Type: Part-Time
Date: 2025-02-14
Latest Jobs
musician guitarist - worldwide
Specialty: musician
Education: College
Nationality: Russia
Оксана - Баранник
Specialty: Повар универсал
Education: High School
Nationality: Ukraine
Ion - Bocsha
Specialty: Inginer
Education: University
Nationality: Moldova
Civil Engineer-I am looking for a job! - EUROPE
Specialty: Civil Engineer
Education: University
Nationality: Romania
ишу работу - везде
Specialty: повар
Education: College
Nationality: Belarus
Ванеса - Василева
Specialty: Nani
Education: College
Nationality: Albania
Производство/сезоннная - Норвегия
Specialty: Международные экономические отношения
Education: University
Nationality: Ukraine
Dailane da Penha - Norway
Specialty: Poduction Engineer
Education: University
Nationality: Brazil
looking for a job - west Europe
Specialty: truck driver B C CE sertificat A D R
Education: University
Nationality: Romania
Latest CV
Dear friends!
We know what difficulties you have to overcome during a trip in search of work in another state. Migration path is not always easy. This separation from loved ones, changing the usual way of life, another language, other relationships and significant financial costs. In order to achieve your goals you need to learn in advance their rights and responsibilities at the entrance, settlement and employment in the state where you are going. It is because of ignorance of the law by migrant workers of the host country their journey often ends in failure. Making work for dishonest employers (or through intermediaries illegal) foreign workers face exploitation, forced and free slave labor. They live in constant fear of law enforcement agencies or immigration services, in appalling conditions, they have no right to medical care and forced to pay heavy fines. They can at any time of being deported from the country. To prevent this, we recommend that you carefully examine the Memo for migrant workers, published on our website and follow the rules established in the host country. This will protect you from unscrupulous officials and employers of illegal and will allow you to legally enforce their rights. Our project was created to help people dared to move in search of a better life to get the latest and most accurate information. Here you will find everything to do with immigration, job search and housing. Leave your resume in our database - it is much easier to find work from home. Let's hope the honesty of employers placing their vacancies on our site. We often carry out an advertising campaign around the world and our job base is updated every day.
We wish you success in your quest!
DENIS KOVTUN CV denis kovtun leonidovich Krasnodar,Russia citizenship:Russian Date of birth:12.25.1970 (mm.dd.yy) Email: kovtun1970@gmail.com telephone:+79054055983 http://kovtun1970.wixsite.com/deniskovtun https://www.facebook.com/deniskovtun1970 Education 1978-1988 elementary/middle scool N 18 ,Krasnodar 1995-1999 music college of” M P Musorgsky”,Sanctpeterburg ,russia experience 2006-2007 Korean new symphopop orchestra Position: guitarist Addres: korean republick,daejeon 2007 The viking lines(russian river cruies),russia,sanct-peterburg position:g addres: russia ,sanctpeterburg, pushkinskaya str 19 2012- royal caribbean cruise lines ,jewel of the seas cruise ship's show band,guitarist 2013 paramount theater, hefei, china position: show band guitarist addres: china , hefei. 2012-2016 Rodina hotel & spa *****position solo guitarist 08 12 2018 -01 09 2019 CMV cruise ship Marco polo showband guitarist 14 12 2019 - 16 03 2020 CMV cruise ship Magellan showband guitarist -
Повар универсал
Pilyugina Oksana Anatolyevna. 05/21/1975. Citizenship Ukraine. Education Secondary (10 classes) Confident PC user Zagran Biometric passport. I am looking for work under a contract for a long period. Not a qualified Cook. My increase is cooking, someone likes to sew, and I like to cook. I can cook almost everything, starting with cold appetizers and ending with dessert. I also like to experiment, there are a lot of my own recipes. I look for work in a small cafe or restaurant. (with accommodation) I have no excess weight, no family problems. I’ll do all the medical tests and the police check. I relate to work with creativity and inspiration since this is my vocation. I can work 6 days a week. (10-12 hours. Write to mail all offers are considered. Knowledge of foreign languages at the level of school education. Пилюгина Оксана Анатольевна. 21.05.1975. Гражданство Украина. Образование Средние (10 классов) Уверенный пользователь ПК Загран Паспорт Биометрический . Ищу работу по договору на длительный срок. Не квалифицированный Повар. Моё увеличение это кулинария , кто то любит шить ,а я люблю готовить. Умею готовить практически все ,начиная с холодных закусок и заканчивая десертом. Так же люблю экспериментировать ,есть много своих собственных рецептов . Ищу работу в небольшом кафе или ресторане . ( с проживанием) Лишнего веса не имею ,семейных проблем нет . Сделаю все медицинские тесты и полицейскую проверку . К работе отношусь с творчеством и вдохновением так как это моё призвание . Работать могу 6 дней в неделю .(10-12 часов. Пишите на почту рассматриваются все предложения . Знание иностранных языков на уровне школьного образования . -
Civil Engineer
-Active, communicative, disciplined nature, used to working in a team, working under pressure and with a clear objective; - Ability to evaluate and make decisions rather quickly; - Attitude oriented towards knowledge and continuous development; - An initiative, practical and organized person - Availability for travel inside or outside the country; - Integrity, maintaining confidentiality -
Международные экономические отношения
Poduction Engineer
truck driver B C CE sertificat A D R
маляр отделочник
шпатлевка,покраска стен,потолков,монтаж гипсокартона,монтаж напольных покрытий,ламинат,паркетная доска,плитка,ковралин,укладка плитки,монтаж полового плинтуса,поклейка обой,багета итд.
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