г. Сосновец, 7 км от Катовице.
З/п: 17 зл/час нетто
В обязанности входит: 1. Пересчет и сегрегация экземпляров прессы, внепрeссового товара (календари, книги, карты) и книг согласно документации.
- Упаковка и подготовка товара к высылке.
- Сканирование, учет и контроль качества экземпляров возвратов товара.
- Подготовка документации, связанной с товаром (то есть укомплектовать товар согласно выданной карте)
- Ввод количества товара в систему
- Укладка товара на палеты (максимальный вес до 5 кг), сортировка, маркировка, комплектация заказов.
- Различные работы по обслуживанию складских помещений
- Уборка рабочего места.
Температура: склад 10, комплектация 15 - 20.
Знание польского: понимание (элементарные навыки чтения, то есть способность прочитать латиницу).
График работы: по 8-10 часов, дневные и ночные, наработка 200-220 часов в месяц, при желании возможно больше.
Рабочая одежда: не выдают (иметь свою).
Жилье предоставлено, 10 зл/сутки за коммунальные услуги с з/п.
Жильё комфортное, хорошие условия, по 3 человека в комнате. Есть всё необходимое, кухня, стиральная машинка, Wi-fi. Хостел находится в пешей доступности от места работы (20 минут).
Нужна медкомиссия 280 зл вычитаем из зарплаты.
Аванс возможен после отработки 2 недель - 300 зл
Viber: +38 068 767 5144
Monteur, Meister, Techniker für Heizungsanlagen - Germany, Borna
Vacancies from the Field: Technicians
Job Type: Full-Time
Date: 2025-03-06
Портной в студию-ателье (от 15 лет опыта) - United Kingdom, London
Vacancies from the Field: Tailors
Job Type: Full-Time
Date: 2025-03-06
Maintenance Plumber - Australia, Bunbury
Vacancies from the Field: Technicians
Job Type: Full-Time
Date: 2025-03-06
Робота для жінок на виробництві - Czech Republic, Jeseník
Vacancies from the Field: Production
Job Type: Full-Time
Date: 2025-03-06
Elektrotechniker-/ Installateur (m/w/d) - Germany, Apolda
Vacancies from the Field: Energy
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Date: 2025-03-06
Требуется слесарь-ремонтник на фабрику - Estonia, Tallinn
Vacancies from the Field: Technicians
Job Type: Full-Time
Date: 2025-03-06
Landwirtschaftlicher Mitarbeiter - Germany, Jüterbog
Vacancies from the Field: Agriculture
Job Type: Full-Time
Date: 2025-03-06
Работа в клининговой компании - Hungary, Budapest
Vacancies from the Field: Cleaning Services
Job Type: Part-Time
Date: 2025-03-06
Technik dentystyczny ceramista - Poland, Wyszków
Vacancies from the Field: Technicians
Job Type: Full-Time
Date: 2025-03-06
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Latest CV
- Cast Accounting (93)
- Controllership Accounting Managment (24)
- Payroll (10)
- Corporate Finance (13)
- Secretaries (60)
- Directors (3)
- Management Personnel (19)
- Public Relations (38)
- Finance Advertising (1)
- Distribution of Leaflets and Booklets (8)
- Advertising Social Net (2)
- Distributor Marketing (17)
- Tourism Manager (5)
- Guides (3)
- Reservation of Tickets and Hotels (1)
- Architectural Drafting (2)
- Architectural Engineering (16)
- Automotive Design (9)
- Autmotive Paints (65)
- Repair of Automobile Tires (38)
- Automechanic (210)
- Banking (6)
- Investment Companies (2)
- Worker Builder (48)
- Interior Finishing of Premises (189)
- New Buildings (299)
- Software Engineering (19)
- Ocean Engingeering (41)
- Transpotation Engineering (7)
- IT Security (1)
- Confidential and Secret Security (1)
- Design Studios (5)
- Interior Design (7)
- Territory Design (5)
- Computer Consulting Services (1)
- Computer Installations Services (10)
- Software Vendors (17)
- Renovation (239)
- Night Clubs (9)
- Casino (6)
- Animators (10)
- High Touch Customer Service (4)
- Webmasters (12)
- Online Freelancing (2)
- By Using Retained Counsel (3)
- Project Design (12)
- Graphic Design (11)
- Teacher (11)
- Management in Trade (36)
- Foreign Economic Activity Manager (9)
- Transport Logistics (26)
- Commodity Logistics (45)
- Thermal Energy (1)
- Electric Installation (111)
- Electrical Substations (5)
- Nurses (171)
- Pharmacists (30)
- Doctors (72)
- Tutoring (1)
- Deans (1)
- Real Estate Agency (51)
- Bodyguard (2)
- Security Guard at the Facility (7)
- Typography (1)
- Polygraph Production Technologist (1)
- Vehicle Insurance (2)
- Housekeeping (190)
- Home Work Freelance (1)
- Waiters and Bartenders (134)
- Help in the Kitchen (142)
- Sellers Behind the Counter (39)
- Vendors Consultants (148)
- Cashiers (38)
- General Maintenance (18)
- Automobile Maintenance (79)
- Equipment Manitenance (17)
- Project Managment (3)
- Planning (9)
- Risk Managment (1)
- Field work (24)
- Livestock raising (53)
- Greenhouses and greenhouses (11)
- Packaging Worker (104)
- Forklift Operator (100)
- Acceptance of Delivery (240)
- Purchasing Manager (5)
- Logist (2)
- Trainers (7)
- Sport Clubs (1)
- Fitness Clubs (2)
- Radio (2)
- TV (1)
- Insurance Agent (6)
- Master Builders (274)
- Recruiting Manager (10)
- Building Maintenance Engineer (3)
- Specialist in the Control of Operation of Building (6)
- Laborers (216)
- Movers (52)
- House Manager (25)
- Medical Technicians (6)
- Electrical Technicians (135)
- Mechanic of Equipment (213)
- Courier Delivery (64)
- Mystery Shopper (1)
- Intelligence Work (4)
- Car Wash (55)
- Home Nurses (42)
- Nursing Home (55)
- Cleaning of Living Quarters (168)
- Cleaning of non Residential Premises (465)
- Window Cleaning (13)
- Consulting Companies (2)
- Consulting Services (8)
- Bakery (67)
- Cafe and Bistro (129)
- Restaurants (207)
- Home Cook (15)
- Tattoo Salons (2)
- Truck Drivers, Truckers (333)
- Personal Driver (6)
- Taxi (13)
- Transportation of Passengers (23)
- Category B (74)
- Electrical Engineering (118)
- Furniture Companies (45)
- Repair of Furniture (5)
- Furniture Assembly (27)
- Care for the Garden (17)
- Household Management (9)
- SPA (83)
- Makeup Artists (3)
- Utility Services (5)
- House of Life (12)
- The Maids (59)
- Reception (16)
- Service Personnel (56)
- Land Improvements (29)
- Accomplishment of Housing (1)
- Lawyers at the Enterprises (9)
- Managers (26)
- Coacher (3)
- Diplomat (4)
- Innovator (11)
- Entrepreneur (17)
- Nanny (110)
- Kindergartener (11)
- Babysitting (8)
- Machine Operators (156)
- Call Center Operators (18)
- Workers in Production (654)
- Manufactories and Factories (155)
- Product Manager (23)
- Quality Specialist (34)
- Watchman (1)
- Mechanic on Repair of Household Appliances (8)
- Repair of Mobile Gadgets (2)
- Hostess (8)
- Cooks (83)
- Workers on the layout of Goods (47)
- Street Trading (6)
- Caregivers (210)
- Musical Groups (1)
- Manicure, Pedicure (104)
- Cosmetologists (50)
- Eyelash Extensions (10)
- Masseurs (22)
- Hairdressers (34)
- Technologist of the Sewing Industry (2)
- Seamstresses (62)
- Cutters (5)
- Fashion Designer (1)
- Private Sector Services (1)
- Telecommunications Engineer (3)
- Communication Electrician (19)
- Mobile Communication (2)
- Post Office (12)
- Translator of Texts (1)
- Personal Translator (3)