Job Information
InternetJobs Polotsk, Belarus 190 Days Ago

Job Type: Full-Time
Job Salary Range: ք by agreement - Per Month
Vacancies from the Field: Labourer
for Specialists: Movers
Posted: 2024-06-21
Minimum Education: High School
Minimum Experience: Without experience
Gender: Male
Age: From - To
Work Visa: Biometric Passport
Job Status
Start Publishing: 2024-06-21
Stop Publishing: 2024-12-21
No of Jobs: 1
Hits: 646
Further actions: Call

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Country: Belarus

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Наличие удостоверение водителя погрузчика
Мы предлагаем:

Работа в магазине по адресу: г. Полоцк, ул. Богдановича, 14.
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