Produksjonsmedarbeider til ledende aktør innen næringsmiddelproduksjon
Vi søker en driftig produksjonsmedarbeider til vår kunde, en anerkjent aktør innen næringsmiddelproduksjon.
Arbeidet er fysisk krevende, og vi leter derfor etter deg som ikke er redd for å ta i et tak og som trives med et høyt arbeidstempo. Erfaring fra næringsmiddelproduksjon er en fordel, men ikke et absolutt krav - grundig opplæring vil bli gitt.
Vi ser etter deg som:
Er over 18 år
Har god helse og arbeidsmoral
Snakker of forstår norsk
Er nøyaktig og presis
Kan begynne umiddelbart og er tilgjengelig for 100% arbeid i minimum 2-3 måneder
Vi tilbyr:
Oppdrag hos en ryddig aktør som er ledende i sitt felt
Konkurransedyktig lønn i henhold til tariff, utbetalt månedlig
Godt arbeidsmiljø med fokus på sikkerhet
Hvis dette høres interessant ut for deg, oppfordrer vi deg til å søke snarest. Søknader behandles fortløpende.
Om arbeidsgiveren
Manpower er Norges største og ledende bemanningsbyrå. Vi bemanner og rekrutterer til privat og offentlig sektor. Siden starten i 1965 har vi bistått med å få over en halv million mennesker i jobb, og hvert år er nærmere 20 000 dyktige mennesker i jobb gjennom oss, via rekruttering eller innleie. Solid erfaring, innovative og fleksible løsninger, samt DNV sertifiserte rådgivere gjør oss til den komplette leverandør for våre kunder.
Manpower er sertifisert som Revidert Arbeidsgiver og sertifisert i henhold til ISO 9001:2015. Det bekrefter at Manpower etterlever sentrale prinsipper i arbeidsmiljøloven og opptrer som en seriøs og profesjonell arbeidsgiver
Zatrudnie piekarza / pomocnika piekarza / cukiernika - Poland, Wąbrzeźno
Vacancies from the Field: Cooks
Job Type: Full-Time
Date: 2025-01-22
Нужен сварщик - Hungary, Budapest
Vacancies from the Field: Construction
Job Type: One-time work
Date: 2025-01-22
Schlosser / Metallbauer - Germany, Bretzfeld
Vacancies from the Field: Construction
Job Type: Full-Time
Date: 2025-01-22
Шукаємо працівників у будівельну компанію - Slovakia, Bratislava
Vacancies from the Field: Construction
Job Type: Full-Time
Date: 2025-01-22
Automechaniker, Mechatroniker, kfz-mechaniker - Germany, Vellmar
Vacancies from the Field: Auto Business
Job Type: Full-Time
Date: 2025-01-22
Требуется помощница по дому - Greece, Athens
Vacancies from the Field: Work at home
Job Type: Full-Time
Date: 2025-01-22
Baufacharbeiter - Montage - Germany, Nördlingen
Vacancies from the Field: Construction
Job Type: Full-Time
Date: 2025-01-22
Автомеханик - Spain, Mataró
Vacancies from the Field: Auto Business
Job Type: Full-Time
Date: 2025-01-22
Caut lucratori - France, Paris
Vacancies from the Field: Construction
Job Type: Full-Time
Date: 2025-01-22
Latest Jobs
CV - Denmark, Sweden
Specialty: Tourism, Industries, Factories, Commerce
Education: University
Nationality: Romania
Looking for work - Europe (Norway / Holand / Italy / Germany )
Specialty: Experienced employee
Education: University
Nationality: Moldova
Caut loc de muncă - Norvegia
Specialty: Psiholog
Education: University
Nationality: Romania
Моето CV - Italy,Lombardia,Milano
Specialty: Строителство,Шофьор с Б категория
Education: High School
Nationality: Bulgaria
Строитель - Idar-Oberstein
Specialty: Разнорабочий
Education: High School
Nationality: Lithuania
Natalia Andrea - Rheine
Specialty: Auxiliar de enfermería
Education: High School
Nationality: Spain
Silvio - Mendes
Specialty: operario fabril
Education: High School
Nationality: Portugal
Badante - Italia
Specialty: Badante
Education: High School
Nationality: Belarus
Op zoek naar werk in verband met planten, bloemen - Nederland
Specialty: architect ontwerper. Bouwmanager
Education: University
Nationality: Russia
Latest CV
- Cast Accounting (98)
- Controllership Accounting Managment (23)
- Payroll (9)
- Corporate Finance (12)
- Secretaries (64)
- Directors (3)
- Management Personnel (19)
- Public Relations (38)
- Finance Advertising (1)
- Distribution of Leaflets and Booklets (8)
- Advertising Social Net (2)
- Distributor Marketing (15)
- Tourism Manager (6)
- Guides (3)
- Reservation of Tickets and Hotels (1)
- Architectural Drafting (1)
- Architectural Engineering (16)
- Automotive Design (8)
- Autmotive Paints (64)
- Repair of Automobile Tires (35)
- Automechanic (222)
- Banking (9)
- Stock Brocker (1)
- Investment Companies (2)
- Worker Builder (52)
- Interior Finishing of Premises (193)
- New Buildings (311)
- Software Engineering (17)
- Ocean Engingeering (39)
- Transpotation Engineering (10)
- IT Security (1)
- Confidential and Secret Security (1)
- Design Studios (5)
- Interior Design (6)
- Territory Design (6)
- Computer Consulting Services (1)
- Computer Installations Services (8)
- Software Vendors (17)
- Renovation (265)
- Night Clubs (9)
- Casino (5)
- Animators (12)
- High Touch Customer Service (4)
- Webmasters (11)
- Online Freelancing (2)
- By Using Retained Counsel (3)
- Project Design (11)
- Graphic Design (11)
- Teacher (12)
- Management in Trade (44)
- Foreign Economic Activity Manager (9)
- Transport Logistics (24)
- Commodity Logistics (46)
- Electric Installation (117)
- Electrical Substations (5)
- Nurses (175)
- Pharmacists (35)
- Doctors (79)
- Tutoring (1)
- Deans (1)
- Real Estate Agency (49)
- Bodyguard (2)
- Security Guard at the Facility (7)
- Typography (3)
- Polygraph Production Technologist (1)
- Vehicle Insurance (2)
- Housekeeping (194)
- Home Work Freelance (1)
- Waiters and Bartenders (144)
- Help in the Kitchen (137)
- Sellers Behind the Counter (38)
- Vendors Consultants (149)
- Cashiers (38)
- General Maintenance (16)
- Automobile Maintenance (85)
- Equipment Manitenance (19)
- Project Managment (3)
- Planning (10)
- Risk Managment (2)
- Field work (32)
- Livestock raising (50)
- Greenhouses and greenhouses (13)
- Packaging Worker (107)
- Forklift Operator (97)
- Acceptance of Delivery (252)
- Purchasing Manager (9)
- Logist (2)
- Fleet (2)
- Trainers (8)
- Fitness Clubs (4)
- Radio (2)
- TV (1)
- Insurance Agent (8)
- Master Builders (281)
- Recruiting Manager (8)
- Building Maintenance Engineer (4)
- Specialist in the Control of Operation of Building (6)
- Laborers (240)
- Movers (52)
- House Manager (21)
- Medical Technicians (7)
- Electrical Technicians (142)
- Mechanic of Equipment (220)
- Courier Delivery (69)
- Mystery Shopper (1)
- Intelligence Work (5)
- Car Wash (46)
- Home Nurses (55)
- Nursing Home (58)
- Cleaning of Living Quarters (173)
- Cleaning of non Residential Premises (457)
- Window Cleaning (12)
- Consulting Companies (2)
- Consulting Services (8)
- Bakery (73)
- Cafe and Bistro (132)
- Restaurants (208)
- Home Cook (16)
- Tattoo Salons (4)
- Truck Drivers, Truckers (316)
- Personal Driver (9)
- Taxi (16)
- Transportation of Passengers (25)
- Category B (82)
- Electrical Engineering (118)
- Furniture Companies (41)
- Repair of Furniture (4)
- Furniture Assembly (31)
- Care for the Garden (20)
- Household Management (11)
- SPA (79)
- Makeup Artists (3)
- Utility Services (5)
- House of Life (13)
- The Maids (62)
- Reception (13)
- Service Personnel (44)
- Administrators (1)
- Land Improvements (29)
- Accomplishment of Housing (1)
- Lawyers at the Enterprises (9)
- Managers (27)
- Coacher (4)
- Diplomat (7)
- Innovator (12)
- Entrepreneur (19)
- Nanny (121)
- Kindergartener (15)
- Babysitting (10)
- Machine Operators (162)
- Call Center Operators (21)
- Workers in Production (687)
- Manufactories and Factories (177)
- Product Manager (23)
- Quality Specialist (33)
- Watchman (1)
- Mechanic on Repair of Household Appliances (9)
- Repair of Mobile Gadgets (1)
- Hostess (7)
- Cooks (100)
- Workers on the layout of Goods (48)
- Street Trading (4)
- Caregivers (222)
- Musical Groups (1)
- Manicure, Pedicure (105)
- Cosmetologists (53)
- Eyelash Extensions (8)
- Masseurs (24)
- Hairdressers (33)
- Technologist of the Sewing Industry (1)
- Seamstresses (59)
- Cutters (6)
- Fashion Designer (2)
- Private Sector Services (2)
- Telecommunications Engineer (3)
- Communication Electrician (22)
- Mobile Communication (2)
- Post Office (10)
- Translator of Texts (2)
- Personal Translator (4)