Job Information
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InternetJobs London, England, United Kingdom 103 Days Ago

Job Type: Full-Time
Job Salary Range: £ by agreement - Per Hour
Vacancies from the Field: Cleaning Services
for Specialists: Cleaning of Living Quarters
Posted: 2024-12-02
Minimum Education: High School
Minimum Experience: Without experience
Gender: Female
Age: From - To
Work Visa: EU Passport
Job Status
Start Publishing: 2024-12-02
Stop Publishing: 2025-06-02
No of Jobs: 2
Hits: 604
Further actions: Call

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Country: United Kingdom
Region: England

В компанию на постоянную работу по уборке частных домов требуются уборщицы - ответственные и аккуратные женщины с разрешением на работу и подтверждением адреса. Предлагаем хорошие условия для работы. Постоянную работу.
Лондон, работа, уборка, глажка, домработница,

We are looking for cleaning ladies to do cleaning and ironing in private houses in south west London, permanent position/ full week, only serious candidates with proof of address and experience. Jobs are in Central london and South West London areas SW and SM post codes.

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