Job Information
Уборка / Cleaning
InternetJobs Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada 45 Days Ago

Job Type: Full-Time
Job Salary Range: $ by agreement - Per Hour
Vacancies from the Field: Cleaning Services
for Specialists: Cleaning of Living Quarters
Posted: 2024-07-24
Minimum Education: High School
Minimum Experience: Without experience
Gender: Does Not Matter
Age: From - To
Work Visa: Schengen
Job Status
Start Publishing: 2024-07-24
Stop Publishing: 2025-01-24
No of Jobs: 2
Hits: 186
Further actions: Send me Resume

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Country: Canada
Region: Ontario

ABN Clean Набирает Уборщиков!

Район: Этобико, Миссиссауга, Торонто

- Полная и частичная занятост
- С автомобилем или без
- Опыт работы желателен, но не обязателен
- Профессионализм, честность, трудолюбие
- Работа самостоятельно и в команде
- Конкурентная зарплата
- Возможность работать более 40 часов в неделю*

ABN Clean is Hiring Cleaners!
Area: Etobicoke, Mississauga, Greater Toronto

Full-time and part-time positions
With or without a car
Work experience preferred but not required
Professionalism, honesty, hard work
Ability to work independently and in a team
Competitive pay
Opportunity to make cash work more than 40 hours a week


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