Job Information
Apprentice Butcher

Job Type: Full-Time
Job Salary Range: £ by agreement - Per Month
Vacancies from the Field: Production
for Specialists: Workers in Production
Posted: 2024-09-07
Minimum Education: High School
Minimum Experience: Without experience
Gender: Does Not Matter
Age: From - To
Work Visa: EU Passport
Job Status
Start Publishing: 2024-09-07
Stop Publishing: 2025-03-07
No of Jobs: 2
Hits: 398
Further actions: Send me Resume

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Country: United Kingdom

Production based work initially: Manufacturing, packing and handling of various meat products. Use of machinery.
You will be instructed in all these aspects of the job through our 4 year apprenticeship to become a qualified butcher.

Manufacturing, packing and handling of various meat products
Skills and Qualifications
Essential Skills

No experience required for this job
Good time keeping skills
Further Information
We are a family run business of 38 years and thrive on promoting a friendly atmosphere for our all customers. As a business we attract members of the team from all age groups which in turn helps to bring a enjoyable atmosphere where you can meet new people. Widen your skill set through our apprenticeship.

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