Für unseren Kunden in Henstedt-Ulzburg suchen wir zu sofort:
zuverlässige Kommissionierer w/m/d für einen langfristigen Einsatz mit Übernahmeoptionen.
Deine Aufgaben:
● Überprüfung von Lieferungen anhand der Begleitpapiere
● Entpacken und Sortierung von Gütern
● Durchführung von Bestandskontrollen und Maßnahmen zur Bestandspflege
● Zusammenstellung per Handscanner von Gütern für den Weitertransport
● Verpackung und Beschriftung der Ware
Damit begeisterst Du uns
● Erfahrung im Bereich Lagerlogistik als Kommissionierer
● Zuverlässigkeit und Teamfähigkeit
● Strukturierte und zuverlässige Arbeitsweise
● Deutschkenntnisse B2
Das bieten wir Dir
● Ganzjährige, unbefristete Festanstellung
● Ein sicherer Arbeitsplatz und ein familiäres Betriebsklima
● Freie Wochenenden, da die Arbeit von Montag bis Freitag in einer Tagschicht stattfindet
Hast du Interesse oder weitere Fragen? Ruf uns gerne an oder komm gerne auf einen Kaffee bei uns vorbei….
Wir freuen uns auf dich!
Das Team der Personalköpfe GmbH
Contrata-se técnico em eletrônica - Brazil, Maringá
Vacancies from the Field: Technicians
Job Type: Full-Time
Date: 2025-03-14
Нужны разнорабочие на уборку - Germany, Ingolstadt
Vacancies from the Field: Labourer
Job Type: Full-Time
Date: 2025-03-14
сиделка - Germany, Hamburg
Vacancies from the Field: Caring for Senior Citizens
Job Type: Full-Time
Date: 2025-03-14
Lagerleiter im chemischen Bereich (GA) - Austria, Trofaiach
Vacancies from the Field: Storage Facilities
Job Type: Full-Time
Date: 2025-03-14
потрібно зварщика СО2 - Czech Republic, Šumperk
Vacancies from the Field: Miscellaneous
Job Type: Full-Time
Date: 2025-03-14
Praca w gospodarstwie - Poland, Kłodawa
Vacancies from the Field: Agriculture
Job Type: Full-Time
Date: 2025-03-14
Слесарь-механик, электрик - United States, New York
Vacancies from the Field: Technicians
Job Type: Full-Time
Date: 2025-03-14
Truck Driver, Flatbed - Canada, Durham
Vacancies from the Field: Drivers
Job Type: Full-Time
Date: 2025-03-14
Грузчик - Russia, Moscow
Vacancies from the Field: Logistics
Job Type: Full-Time
Date: 2025-03-14
Latest Jobs
Cuisinier - Slovaquie
Specialty: Chef de partie
Education: University
Nationality: France
Housekeeper - Los Angeles
Specialty: Housekeeper
Education: College
Nationality: United States
Designer (advertising) SMM manager - Any country
Specialty: Designer (advertising) SMM manager
Education: University
Nationality: No geo-referencing
Specialty: LOGISTICS
Education: University
Nationality: Uzbekistan
Актер/Аниматор/Репетитор - Турция/ Катар/ Испания
Specialty: Актёр
Education: University
Nationality: Moldova
jose manuel - tromso
Specialty: limpieza de habitaciones o lavaplato
Education: High School
Nationality: Spain
Семейная пара с опытом и рекомендациями - Европа
Specialty: Семейная пара
Education: University
Nationality: Russia
elektrik - europa
Specialty: elektrik
Education: University
Nationality: No geo-referencing
Methodist - Europe
Specialty: Methodist
Education: University
Nationality: Russia
Latest CV
- Cast Accounting (92)
- Controllership Accounting Managment (24)
- Payroll (11)
- Corporate Finance (14)
- Secretaries (57)
- Directors (3)
- Management Personnel (19)
- Public Relations (36)
- Finance Advertising (1)
- Distribution of Leaflets and Booklets (8)
- Advertising Social Net (2)
- Distributor Marketing (17)
- Tourism Manager (5)
- Guides (2)
- Reservation of Tickets and Hotels (1)
- Architectural Drafting (2)
- Architectural Engineering (16)
- Automotive Design (9)
- Autmotive Paints (63)
- Repair of Automobile Tires (39)
- Automechanic (205)
- Banking (6)
- Investment Companies (1)
- Worker Builder (49)
- Interior Finishing of Premises (191)
- New Buildings (291)
- Software Engineering (18)
- Ocean Engingeering (41)
- Transpotation Engineering (7)
- IT Security (1)
- Confidential and Secret Security (1)
- Design Studios (5)
- Interior Design (6)
- Territory Design (6)
- Computer Consulting Services (1)
- Computer Installations Services (10)
- Software Vendors (18)
- Renovation (225)
- Night Clubs (9)
- Casino (6)
- Animators (10)
- High Touch Customer Service (4)
- Webmasters (12)
- Online Freelancing (2)
- By Using Retained Counsel (3)
- Project Design (12)
- Graphic Design (11)
- Teacher (10)
- Management in Trade (35)
- Foreign Economic Activity Manager (9)
- Transport Logistics (24)
- Commodity Logistics (45)
- Thermal Energy (1)
- Electric Installation (109)
- Electrical Substations (6)
- Nurses (173)
- Pharmacists (29)
- Doctors (68)
- Deans (1)
- Real Estate Agency (53)
- Bodyguard (2)
- Security Guard at the Facility (7)
- Typography (1)
- Polygraph Production Technologist (1)
- Vehicle Insurance (1)
- Housekeeping (186)
- Home Work Freelance (1)
- Waiters and Bartenders (128)
- Help in the Kitchen (135)
- Sellers Behind the Counter (40)
- Vendors Consultants (142)
- Cashiers (38)
- General Maintenance (17)
- Automobile Maintenance (79)
- Equipment Manitenance (17)
- Project Managment (3)
- Planning (8)
- Risk Managment (1)
- Field work (25)
- Livestock raising (55)
- Greenhouses and greenhouses (11)
- Packaging Worker (103)
- Forklift Operator (104)
- Acceptance of Delivery (232)
- Purchasing Manager (5)
- Logist (2)
- Trainers (6)
- Sport Clubs (1)
- Fitness Clubs (3)
- Radio (2)
- TV (1)
- Insurance Agent (6)
- Master Builders (272)
- Recruiting Manager (10)
- Building Maintenance Engineer (3)
- Specialist in the Control of Operation of Building (6)
- Laborers (215)
- Movers (47)
- House Manager (26)
- Medical Technicians (6)
- Electrical Technicians (133)
- Mechanic of Equipment (216)
- Courier Delivery (63)
- Mystery Shopper (1)
- Intelligence Work (4)
- Car Wash (55)
- Home Nurses (41)
- Nursing Home (55)
- Cleaning of Living Quarters (164)
- Cleaning of non Residential Premises (457)
- Window Cleaning (13)
- Consulting Companies (2)
- Consulting Services (9)
- Bakery (64)
- Cafe and Bistro (127)
- Restaurants (207)
- Home Cook (17)
- Tattoo Salons (2)
- Truck Drivers, Truckers (334)
- Personal Driver (5)
- Taxi (12)
- Transportation of Passengers (25)
- Category B (71)
- Electrical Engineering (119)
- Furniture Companies (42)
- Repair of Furniture (5)
- Furniture Assembly (29)
- Care for the Garden (17)
- Household Management (10)
- SPA (83)
- Makeup Artists (3)
- Utility Services (5)
- House of Life (9)
- The Maids (59)
- Reception (16)
- Service Personnel (56)
- Land Improvements (30)
- Accomplishment of Housing (1)
- Lawyers at the Enterprises (9)
- Managers (24)
- Coacher (2)
- Diplomat (5)
- Innovator (10)
- Entrepreneur (16)
- Nanny (105)
- Kindergartener (10)
- Babysitting (7)
- Machine Operators (156)
- Call Center Operators (19)
- Workers in Production (651)
- Manufactories and Factories (148)
- Product Manager (22)
- Quality Specialist (34)
- Watchman (1)
- Mechanic on Repair of Household Appliances (8)
- Repair of Mobile Gadgets (2)
- Hostess (8)
- Cooks (81)
- Workers on the layout of Goods (47)
- Street Trading (6)
- Caregivers (208)
- Musical Groups (1)
- Manicure, Pedicure (102)
- Cosmetologists (49)
- Eyelash Extensions (10)
- Masseurs (22)
- Hairdressers (35)
- Technologist of the Sewing Industry (2)
- Seamstresses (61)
- Cutters (4)
- Fashion Designer (1)
- Private Sector Services (3)
- Telecommunications Engineer (3)
- Communication Electrician (20)
- Mobile Communication (2)
- Post Office (12)
- Translator of Texts (1)
- Personal Translator (3)