Job Information
Ищу домработницу
InternetJobs London, England, United Kingdom 30 Days Ago

Job Type: Full-Time
Job Salary Range: £ by agreement - Per Month
Vacancies from the Field: Work at home
for Specialists: Housekeeping
Posted: 2025-02-13
Minimum Education: High School
Minimum Experience: Less then 1 Year
Gender: Female
Age: From - To
Work Visa:
Job Status
Start Publishing: 2025-02-13
Stop Publishing: 2025-08-13
No of Jobs: 1
Hits: 236
Further actions: Contact me via WhatsApp, Viber, Skype

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Country: United Kingdom
Region: England

Ищу домработницу в квартиру около 60 кв метров в Marylebone. Уборка нужна раз в неделю. Домработница должна уметь:
профессионально убирать все поверхности

Рассмотрю кандидатов только с опытом работы. Пожалуйста присылайте свое резюме.

Я не говорю на русском, только английский или румынский язык.

I am looking for a housekeeper for an apartment of about 60 square meters in Marylebone. Cleaning is needed once a week. The housekeeper must be able to:
Professionally clean all surfaces
Iron clothes

I will only consider candidates with work experience. Please send your CV.

I do not speak Russian, only English or Romanian.

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