CV-uri a specialiști în domeniul
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Ultimi CV cu fotografie
Fotografa y Profesora en Biología Técnica universitaria en Fotografía y docena en el nivel medio de la Materia Biología.
Trabaje en varias instituciones como docente tanto privadas como públicas.
Cómo fotografa trabaje en sociales como en trabajos Artísticos.
Мастер универсал
Project management Farming Background, Machinery, Qualified Mechanic Diesel and Petrol 10 years, Qualified Builder,25 years Plus project Management for high rise apartments
Civil Engineer -Active, communicative, disciplined nature, used to working in a team, working under pressure and with a
clear objective;
- Ability to evaluate and make decisions rather quickly;
- Attitude oriented towards knowledge and continuous development;
- An initiative, practical and organized person
- Availability for travel inside or outside the country;
- Integrity, maintaining confidentiality
Trabajo no calificado Artesana en manualidades
Production I’m French and I’m looking for a job in Tallinn, because I want to stay and live here. I’m available right now. My previous sectors are : catering, trade, warehouses and industry. Today I adapt easily thanks to my experiences in many different fields.
Chef de partie Cuisinier
Housekeeper Svitlana Tatarenko
I got a legal right to work in the United States in the form of a plastic card with a photo and have a social security number
492 N Gardner ,apt 204, LA, CA 90046 | (H) 2182518419 | (C) 2182518419 |
Professional Summary
housekeeper hotels , actress extras, banquet waiter, nurse, care of the elderly bringing a strong work ethic, interpersonal skills and customer service expertise. Fluent in Language Russian Ukrainian little English .
•Organized and efficient server
•Courteous, professional demeanor
•High energy
•Guest relations professional
•Outgoing and energetic
I can guarantee personal discipline, observance of subordination and authority of a leading link, speed and ease of performance of working duties, honesty, decency
Work History
Housekeeper 05/2016 to 09/2017
Crown Airport Hotel – Inglewood, CA
My duties included cleaning the hotel rooms, the cottages on the territory, sometimes cleaning the restaurant and working in the laundry
actress extras 01/2010 to 04/2015
movie agents – Moscow, Russia
intensive work at various venues of the capital's cinema and television projects
nursing caregiver 06/2016 to Current
labor agents and agencies – LA, CA
Sometimes I work with living with old people, I help them around the house and care for them
banquet waiters 01/2014 to 01/2016
agencies and agents – Moscow, Russia
calling waiters for large banquets of city corporate parties, presentations of the film industry, any administrations in different institutions and the best metropolitan hotels
Associate of Applied Science: jurisprudence ,lawyer 2010
Humanities Technical College Method remotely - Moscow
Associate of Applied Science: wine sommelier 2016
BUSINESS ACADEMY "MBA CITY" - Moscow, Metro VDNH, Prospekt Mira, house 150, Hotel Cosmos
High School Diploma: 1994
lyceum 47 - Ukraine, the city of Kramatorsk, Donetsk region
High School Diploma: 1991
secondary school - Ukraine, the city of Kramatorsk, Donetsk region
Designer (advertising) SMM manager Hello. My name Elena. Worked as brand manager,PR manager, photographer,designer and SMM. My English is weak, but I'm learning. I can work as an administrator.
CV-ul pe categorii
Auto, transport, camioane (118)
Activități administrative (265)
Arhitectura (17)
Bănci, burse, societății de investiții (10)
Siguranță (13)
Contabilitate, Finanțe și Audit (45)
Servicii comunale (16)
Educație, îngrijirea de copii, babysitting (206)
Ospitalitate (97)
Guvernante și gradinari (48)
Servicii publice (4)
Designul (19)
Editori (2)
Industria de Divertisment (7)
Inform tehnologii bazate pe Internet (42)
Consultanță (2)
Calculator, programare (13)
Frizeri și artiști de machiaj (7)
Cultura (7)
Logistica (30)
Publicitate, Marketing, PR (12)
Medicină și Farmaceutică (45)
Știință și Educație (25)
Imobiliare (4)
Comerț cu ridicata și de vânzări (18)
Protecție (9)
Tipărire (4)
Producere (228)
Lucru pentru studenti (11)
Munca la domiciliu (62)
Restaurante (58)
Comerţul cu amănuntul (22)
Telecomunicații (12)
Secretariat (5)
Agricultură (62)
Centre de servicii (5)
Depozitare (27)
Alimentare (4)
Poliția, armată (1)
Cultură fizică și sport (17)
Media: presa, radio, TV (12)
Construcția și renovarea de apartamente (348)
Tururi şi excursii (45)
Resurse Umane (14)
întreţinere a clădirilor (6)
Muncă pe un timp (7)
Meseriași (158)
Jurisprudență (6)
Diverse (559)
Lucru pe Internet (6)
Energie, electricieni (86)
Bucătari (69)
Reparare de echipament (6)
Conducătorii auto (117)
Mobilier, montaj, reparare (30)
Îngrijire de pensionare (88)
Ameliorare (7)
Agenți, curierii (5)
Profesori, educatori (19)
Traducători, lingviști (17)
Pictorii (9)
Cântăreți, muzicieni și artiști (4)
Operatori (8)
SPA, saloane de înfrumusețare (35)
Croitori și cusătorese (12)
Servicii de curățare (35)
Managementul (10)
Inginerie (15)
Tehnicieni (6)
Locuri de muncă dupa țară
Informatii utile
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