Informații despre loc de muncă
Human resources manager
InternetJobs Oromocto, Noul Brunswick, Canada 177 zile În urmă

Prezentare generală
Tipul de ocupare: Ocuparea completa
Durata muncii:
Salariu: $ prin acord - pe oră
Postul vacant din domeniu: Resurse Umane
pentru specialiști: Manager de recrutare
Postat: 2024-05-30
Cod postal:
Minim Educatie: Universitatea
Experiența minima: 5 ani
Gen: Nu conteaza
Vârsta: de la - până la
Viză de lucru: Schengen
Stare de loc de munca
Începutul publicării: 2024-05-30
Sfârșitul publicării: 2024-11-30
Locuri libere: 1
Numărul de vizionări: 537
Pașii următori: Trimiteți-mi CV-ul dvs

Contacte angajatorului sunt disponibili numai pentru utilizatorii autorizați: Logare & Inregistrare

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Țara: Canada
Regiunea: Noul Brunswick

74,270 to 92,837 annually (To be negotiated) / 35 hours per week


5 years or more

Work setting
Government administration
Administer staff consultation and grievance procedures
Assign projects to subordinates and staff relating to employment, compensation, labour relations and employee relations
Coordinate the activities of the HR department in order to ensure they meet the organization’s goals
Direct and control daily operations
Evaluate daily operations
Motivate staff
Review HR projects to assure compliance with laws and regulations
Establish and implement policies and procedures
Oversee the classification and rating of occupations
Plan, develop and implement recruitment strategies
Manage contracts
Manage training and development strategies
Oversee the analysis of employee data and information
Oversee the preparation of reports
Advise senior management
Respond to employee questions and complaints
Liaise with management, union officials and HR consultants
Negotiate collective agreements on behalf of employers or workers
Organize staff consultation and grievance procedures
Recruit and hire staff
Conduct performance reviews
Evaluate work environments, programs and procedures to control, eliminate, and prevent disease or injury
Certificates, licences, memberships, and courses
Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP)
Experience and specialization
Computer and technology knowledge
MS Access
MS Excel
MS Outlook
MS PowerPoint
MS Windows
MS Word
Electronic mail
Specialization or experience
Employee engagement
Area of specialization
Business process management
Corporate social responsibility
Facility management
Additional information
Security and safety
Criminal record check
Work conditions and physical capabilities
Ability to work independently
Fast-paced environment
Work under pressure
Tight deadlines
Attention to detail
Personal suitability
Excellent oral communication
Excellent written communication
Team player
Health benefits
Dental plan
Disability benefits
Health care plan
Vision care benefits
Financial benefits
Life insurance
Pension plan
Long term benefits
Long-term care insurance
Other benefits
Free parking available
Team building opportunities
Parking available

Here is what you must include in your application:

Cover letter
References attesting experience
Proof of the requested certifications
Highest level of education and name of institution where it was completed
This job posting includes screening questions. Please answer the following questions when applying:

Are you currently legally able to work in Canada?
Do you currently reside in proximity to the advertised location?
Do you have previous experience in this field of employment?
Do you have the above-indicated required certifications?
What is the highest level of study you have completed?

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Locuri de munca pe specialitate
Contabilitate, Finanțe și Audit (92)Activități administrative (100)Agenți, curierii (62)Agricultură (64)Arhitectura (10)Auto, transport, camioane (304)Bănci, burse, societății de investiții (7)Îngrijire de pensionare (289)Servicii de curățare (522)Calculator, programare (22)Construcția și renovarea de apartamente (940)Consultanță (5)Bucătari (359)Cultura (0)Designul (26)Conducătorii auto (378)Energie, electricieni (179)Inginerie (69)Mobilier, montaj, reparare (64)Guvernante și gradinari (30)Frizeri și artiști de machiaj (60)Ospitalitate (103)Servicii comunale (11)Resurse Umane (4)Asigurare (6)Inform tehnologii bazate pe Internet (12)Jurisprudență (5)Meseriași (279)Ameliorare (32)Logistica (73)întreţinere a clădirilor (7)Managementul (52)Media: presa, radio, TV (2)Medicină și Farmaceutică (173)Diverse (118)Educație, îngrijirea de copii, babysitting (123)Muncă pe un timp (1)Operatori (136)Pictorii (5)Poliția, armată (2)Tipărire (4)Publicitate, Marketing, PR (11)Alimentare (7)Producere (683)Protecție (7)Servicii publice (0)Editori (0)Imobiliare (35)Reparare de echipament (5)Restaurante (313)Comerţul cu amănuntul (226)Știință și Educație (12)Secretariat (11)Siguranță (2)Centre de servicii (107)Industria de Divertisment (14)Cântăreți, muzicieni și artiști (5)SPA, saloane de înfrumusețare (192)Cultură fizică și sport (8)Depozitare (360)Lucru pentru studenti (4)Croitori și cusătorese (60)Profesori, educatori (10)Tehnicieni (276)Telecomunicații (34)Tururi şi excursii (11)Comerț cu ridicata și de vânzări (35)Traducători, lingviști (3)Munca la domiciliu (165)
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