Informații despre loc de muncă
Disability Support Worker
InternetJobs Hervey Bay, Queensland, Australia 183 zile În urmă

Prezentare generală
Tipul de ocupare: Ocuparea completa
Durata muncii:
Salariu: $ prin acord - Pe luna
Postul vacant din domeniu: Îngrijire de pensionare
pentru specialiști: Nursing Home
Postat: 2024-06-22
Cod postal:
Minim Educatie: Liceu
Experiența minima: Mai puțin de 1 an
Gen: Nu conteaza
Vârsta: de la - până la
Viză de lucru: Schengen
Stare de loc de munca
Începutul publicării: 2024-06-22
Sfârșitul publicării: 2024-12-22
Locuri libere: 2
Numărul de vizionări: 648
Pașii următori: Trimiteți-mi CV-ul dvs

Contacte angajatorului sunt disponibili numai pentru utilizatorii autorizați: Logare & Inregistrare

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Țara: Australia
Regiunea: Queensland

Disability Support Worker (Entry level and intermediate positions both available)!

Locations: Hervey Bay
Casual hours to start with room to grow (at your own pace)
Regular Work Roster
$35 per hour + Super
About Us

At My Hero, we are dedicated to our community and person-centered practice. We believe in connecting people with the right support workers to build a strong and reliable foundation of support for individuals with disabilities, ensuring that each person receives the support they need to thrive. Check out our Facebook page "My Hero Disability Services" to see our community initiatives and what we're all about!

About the position

You will be an integral part of our team, valued for your unique contributions and not just seen as a number. Our team is committed to providing you with the training, support, and assistance needed to excel in your role and feel confident and comfortable from day one. Join our awesome team and experience the benefits of working alongside reliable and supportive colleagues that share the same goals.

Your days will be exciting and varied as you provide support to people's lives including but not limited to;

Motivating people to pursue their goals and ambitions
Taking people out into the community and participating in community events and activities together
Driving people to community events, appointments, shopping etc
Supporting people to achieve their individual goals in line with their person-centered support plan
Building people’s capacity to perform domestic duties such as with cooking, cleaning, laundry and general tidying
Performing within your scope of practice and training level
Maintain positive relationships and communications between clients and fellow staff members
What you’ll need

Self-motivated and able to work independently
Ability to show initiative and problem solve as required
Drivers license
First Aid & CPR (or willing to obtain)
Disability Worker Screening & Working with Children Check (or willing to obtain)
Why work for us?

Positions available in the heart of Hervey Bay
Supporting your community and people with disabilities
Opportunities to grow and learn within the industry
Excellent resume experience and career development
Supportive team culture and on the job support
Flexible work arrangement to find your work life balance
Accredited training opportunities
Seeing the positive difference to the lives of our clients/participants!

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Locuri de munca pe specialitate
Contabilitate, Finanțe și Audit (75)Activități administrative (90)Agenți, curierii (53)Agricultură (52)Arhitectura (9)Auto, transport, camioane (274)Bănci, burse, societății de investiții (7)Îngrijire de pensionare (267)Servicii de curățare (475)Calculator, programare (16)Construcția și renovarea de apartamente (846)Consultanță (2)Bucătari (304)Cultura (0)Designul (27)Conducătorii auto (320)Energie, electricieni (157)Inginerie (51)Mobilier, montaj, reparare (60)Guvernante și gradinari (22)Frizeri și artiști de machiaj (52)Ospitalitate (82)Servicii comunale (12)Resurse Umane (4)Asigurare (5)Inform tehnologii bazate pe Internet (10)Jurisprudență (4)Meseriași (249)Ameliorare (24)Logistica (59)întreţinere a clădirilor (8)Managementul (49)Media: presa, radio, TV (2)Medicină și Farmaceutică (173)Diverse (91)Educație, îngrijirea de copii, babysitting (123)Muncă pe un timp (1)Operatori (123)Pictorii (4)Poliția, armată (2)Tipărire (3)Publicitate, Marketing, PR (13)Alimentare (7)Producere (626)Protecție (6)Servicii publice (0)Editori (0)Imobiliare (30)Reparare de echipament (4)Restaurante (280)Comerţul cu amănuntul (185)Știință și Educație (9)Secretariat (11)Siguranță (1)Centre de servicii (91)Industria de Divertisment (13)Cântăreți, muzicieni și artiști (4)SPA, saloane de înfrumusețare (178)Cultură fizică și sport (8)Depozitare (329)Lucru pentru studenti (3)Croitori și cusătorese (50)Profesori, educatori (13)Tehnicieni (251)Telecomunicații (31)Tururi şi excursii (10)Comerț cu ridicata și de vânzări (28)Traducători, lingviști (3)Munca la domiciliu (158)
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