Informații despre loc de muncă
InternetJobs Newport, Noua Galie de Sud, Australia 73 zile În urmă

Prezentare generală
Tipul de ocupare: Ocuparea completa
Durata muncii:
Salariu: $ prin acord - Pe luna
Postul vacant din domeniu: Medicină și Farmaceutică
pentru specialiști: Medicii
Postat: 2025-01-04
Cod postal:
Minim Educatie: Universitatea
Experiența minima: 1 an
Gen: Nu conteaza
Vârsta: de la - până la
Viză de lucru: Schengen
Stare de loc de munca
Începutul publicării: 2025-01-04
Sfârșitul publicării: 2025-07-04
Locuri libere: 1
Numărul de vizionări: 1112
Pașii următori: Trimiteți-mi CV-ul dvs

Contacte angajatorului sunt disponibili numai pentru utilizatorii autorizați: Logare & Inregistrare

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Țara: Australia
Regiunea: Noua Galie de Sud

Full time Vet required for Sydney Animal Hospitals, Northern Beaches.


Do you aspire to do small animal specialist work, but without the demanding, high-pressure environment of specialty hospitals?


We are proud to be locally owned and operated, this is a unique opportunity where you will work closely with the owner of the hospital, allowing for open discussions around ideas on how we can continue to offer the best care in the area.


Based on the beautiful northern beaches of Sydney we are a modern, well equipped and newly refurbished hospital with amazing clients allowing for a varied and interesting surgical and medical caseload.


We have a full Idexx lab (with AI capabilities coming soon), digital x-ray, digital dental x-ray, multi-parameter monitoring, Ventilators, Laser, brand new ultrasound and access to CT within Sydney Animal Hospital group, allowing you to practice at the highest standard.


Complex cases are retained in-house as much as possible to maintain the client-clinic bond, with mobile specialists visiting the hospital throughout the week. This allows the team to see those complex and interesting cases from start to finish and gain valuable insights from the specialists while our patients receive the best care possible.


The team works hard to ensure clients and patients receive the highest standard of care, with all of the team regularly undergoing continued education to allow us to offer the highest standard of care on the northern beaches.


We are looking for a vet who enjoys working in a team but is also confident with some sole charge on the weekends. Weekends are supported by our excellent team of experienced nurses and animal attendants.


Bespoke professional development opportunities with generous allowances and give you the scope to work up cases with not just staff support but also the latest technology. If there is something we don’t have, if it will be utilised, we are happy to support and invest.


With Smartflow, Vet S8, VetCheck for paperless client communications and Vet Notes to help with note taking we are invested in making your workday as admin free as possible so you can focus on your patients.


We are open 7 days a week, with the roster shared across the team and allows for a work life balance.


Vets who are registered in NSW or have the ability to register in NSW with at least 2 years’ experience are encouraged to apply, however, proactive and driven new graduates will also be considered.


Salary is above award and dependent on experience. Experienced vets can expect to earn above $120k depending on experience as well as other benefits.

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Contabilitate, Finanțe și Audit (68)Activități administrative (74)Agenți, curierii (41)Agricultură (61)Arhitectura (9)Auto, transport, camioane (272)Bănci, burse, societății de investiții (4)Îngrijire de pensionare (194)Servicii de curățare (446)Calculator, programare (16)Construcția și renovarea de apartamente (709)Consultanță (3)Bucătari (268)Cultura (0)Designul (25)Conducătorii auto (281)Energie, electricieni (161)Inginerie (39)Mobilier, montaj, reparare (60)Guvernante și gradinari (12)Frizeri și artiști de machiaj (67)Ospitalitate (94)Servicii comunale (12)Resurse Umane (7)Asigurare (5)Inform tehnologii bazate pe Internet (10)Jurisprudență (4)Meseriași (191)Ameliorare (14)Logistica (43)întreţinere a clădirilor (7)Managementul (44)Media: presa, radio, TV (3)Medicină și Farmaceutică (163)Diverse (42)Educație, îngrijirea de copii, babysitting (100)Muncă pe un timp (0)Operatori (109)Pictorii (1)Poliția, armată (0)Tipărire (2)Publicitate, Marketing, PR (15)Alimentare (5)Producere (524)Protecție (5)Servicii publice (0)Editori (0)Imobiliare (33)Reparare de echipament (4)Restaurante (225)Comerţul cu amănuntul (158)Știință și Educație (4)Secretariat (9)Siguranță (1)Centre de servicii (84)Industria de Divertisment (10)Cântăreți, muzicieni și artiști (1)SPA, saloane de înfrumusețare (162)Cultură fizică și sport (6)Depozitare (296)Lucru pentru studenti (2)Croitori și cusătorese (49)Profesori, educatori (15)Tehnicieni (233)Telecomunicații (25)Tururi şi excursii (6)Comerț cu ridicata și de vânzări (15)Traducători, lingviști (1)Munca la domiciliu (139)
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