Informații despre loc de muncă
Club Manager
InternetJobs Modbury, Australia de Sud, Australia 30 zile În urmă

Prezentare generală
Tipul de ocupare: Ocuparea completa
Durata muncii:
Salariu: $ prin acord - Pe luna
Postul vacant din domeniu: Cultură fizică și sport
pentru specialiști: Cluburi sportive
Postat: 2025-02-18
Cod postal:
Minim Educatie: Colegiu
Experiența minima: 1 an
Gen: Nu conteaza
Vârsta: de la - până la
Viză de lucru: Schengen
Stare de loc de munca
Începutul publicării: 2025-02-18
Sfârșitul publicării: 2025-08-18
Locuri libere: 1
Numărul de vizionări: 2061
Pașii următori: Trimiteți-mi CV-ul dvs

Contacte angajatorului sunt disponibili numai pentru utilizatorii autorizați: Logare & Inregistrare

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Țara: Australia
Regiunea: Australia de Sud

If you have a background in sales and a passion for fitness, combining the two is like being paid to live the dream, right? At Anytime Fitness Modbury, the Club Manager (that could be you!) is a pretty sweet gig. This club has been recently renovated and is looking for someone to take it to the next level.

For starters, you would spend your day working within our vibrant and energised club culture! Your positive and driven ‘let’s do it’ attitude will fit right in and help the club to operate smoothly - like a well-oiled spin bike.

Secondly, your enthusiasm for improving people’s fitness, health and wellbeing will spill over into everything you do, so the boss won’t frown if you talk all day… as long as it’s about joining in the latest fitness trends and the benefits of exercise to potential and existing club members, on social media, with team members and when actively generating new sales leads!

Does that sound like you? Have you put on your joggers and feel ready to run straight to Anytime Fitness to dive feet first into this exciting role? Then check out who we are and what skills we need you to pack in your gym bag!

Why Join Us?

Because we’re the biggest and the best! Anytime Fitness is the brand leader and largest 24-hour fitness franchise with more than 5000 clubs worldwide. Our Australian business has opened 550+ clubs with further franchises set to open in the coming years.

The successful applicant will receive:

Ongoing staff training and support.
Free gym membership (of course!)
The daily pleasure of working with our staff, trainers and management team.
What skills do you need to finish first in this race?

Aside from an enthusiastic and committed work ethic, we need you to have:

Sales experience (experience in a fitness sales role preferred but not essential).
100% commitment towards providing OUTSTANDING customer service.
Excellent skills using social media (Facebook + Instagram) to drive the club’s exposure.
Demonstrated leadership skills.
Proven ability to work under limited supervision.
Proven ability to work cohesively within a team.
Genuine desire and ability to take on the responsibility for the club’s day-to-day operations.
Outstanding people skills with a proven ability to generate leads and close business.
A commitment to following processes and procedures
Availability to work rostered shifts between Monday and Saturday. Approx 30hrs per week.
A day in the life of the Anytime Fitness :

As the successful applicant, your fun-filled day will look like this:

Smashing KPIs and sales targets.
Proactively seeking and generating new sales leads and referrals.
Using effective communication to retain members, renew memberships and re-engage inactive members.
Meeting and greeting potential and existing members with warmth and positivity.
Contributing to our vibrant and fun club atmosphere with your sparkling personality.
Promoting our club’s brand and image within the local community and on social media.
Keeping the club running smoothly with a no-stress attitude.
Maintaining a clean and sparkling fitness facility.

What else would help you to succeed?

We would also love you to flex the following muscles if you can…

Show us your super sharp computer and admin skills.
Show proven ability to work autonomously and co-operatively within a team.
Show good business sense and an awareness of successful business management practices.
Have a passion for health and wellbeing.
Bring a hands-on and positive "can-do" attitude to work each day.
Be well-presented and highly professional in staff and client interactions.
Have excellent verbal and written skills with a high level of attention to detail.
Have a friendly personality - talking to people is comfortable and natural for you.

Employer questions
Your application will include the following questions:
How many years' experience do you have as a Club Manager?
Which of the following statements best describes your right to work in Australia?
Do you have lead generation experience?
Do you have experience in a sales role?
Do you have customer service experience?
Do you have a current Working With Children (WWC) Check?
Do you have experience in administration?
Do you have experience working towards targets and KPIs?

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Locuri de munca pe specialitate
Contabilitate, Finanțe și Audit (66)Activități administrative (75)Agenți, curierii (38)Agricultură (58)Arhitectura (9)Auto, transport, camioane (270)Bănci, burse, societății de investiții (4)Îngrijire de pensionare (191)Servicii de curățare (440)Calculator, programare (15)Construcția și renovarea de apartamente (704)Consultanță (3)Bucătari (266)Cultura (0)Designul (24)Conducătorii auto (271)Energie, electricieni (156)Inginerie (38)Mobilier, montaj, reparare (60)Guvernante și gradinari (11)Frizeri și artiști de machiaj (66)Ospitalitate (92)Servicii comunale (12)Resurse Umane (7)Asigurare (5)Inform tehnologii bazate pe Internet (10)Jurisprudență (4)Meseriași (188)Ameliorare (14)Logistica (42)întreţinere a clădirilor (8)Managementul (43)Media: presa, radio, TV (3)Medicină și Farmaceutică (165)Diverse (43)Educație, îngrijirea de copii, babysitting (96)Muncă pe un timp (0)Operatori (104)Pictorii (1)Poliția, armată (0)Tipărire (2)Publicitate, Marketing, PR (15)Alimentare (5)Producere (513)Protecție (6)Servicii publice (0)Editori (0)Imobiliare (32)Reparare de echipament (4)Restaurante (221)Comerţul cu amănuntul (157)Știință și Educație (4)Secretariat (9)Siguranță (1)Centre de servicii (81)Industria de Divertisment (9)Cântăreți, muzicieni și artiști (1)SPA, saloane de înfrumusețare (159)Cultură fizică și sport (6)Depozitare (290)Lucru pentru studenti (2)Croitori și cusătorese (49)Profesori, educatori (15)Tehnicieni (226)Telecomunicații (21)Tururi şi excursii (6)Comerț cu ridicata și de vânzări (14)Traducători, lingviști (1)Munca la domiciliu (138)
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