Информация о вакансии
Food Services Assistants
InternetJobs Уоррагул, Виктория, Австралия 101 дней назад

Вид занятости: Полная занятость
Продолжительность работы:
Диапазон зарплаты: $ по договорённости - в час
Вакансия из области: Ресторанный бизнес
для специалистов: Помощь на кухне
Опубликовано: 2024-02-15
Почтовый индекс:
Минимальное образование: Колледж
Минимальный опыт: Менее 1 года
Пол: Не имеет значения
Возраст: от - до
Рабочая виза: Шенген
Статус вакансии
Начало публикации: 2024-02-15
Окончание публикации: 2024-08-15
Свободных мест: 5
Число просмотров: 379
Дальнейшие действия: Позвонить мне

Контакты работодателя доступны только для авторизованных пользователей: Авторизация & Регистрация

Информация о работодателе InternetJobs Уоррагул, Виктория, Австралия
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Страна: Австралия
Регион: Виктория

We have permanent part time opportunities to join the Food Services Department at West Gippsland Healthcare Group in the role of Food Services Assistant. Reporting to the Food Services Manager you will work within a motivated and dedicated team that provides meal services to hospital inpatients and Cooinda Lodge aged care residents.

We have 40 hours per fortnight available for applicants interested in daytime shifts. We also have 35 hours per fortnight available for applicants interested in afternoon shifts. Applicants successful for day shift will be required to work 8 hour shifts and starting as early as 6:30am. Applicants successful for afternoon shift will be required to start at either 1pm or 4:30pm and finish at 8:30pm.

Mandatory skills

Current Safe Food Handlers Certificate – HLTFSE001
Strong verbal and written communications skills
Willingness and ability to complete regular online training modules

Previous food services experience
Previous experience working in large work group

IMPORTANT: All staff employed in the healthcare sector are required to be fully (3 doses) vaccinated for COVID-19 (unless a valid exemption applies). Evidence of vaccination (or exemption) will be required to be provided prior to commencement.


About our organisation

The West Gippsland Healthcare Group is a growing regional health service, providing acute medical and surgical, obstetric, emergency, residential care and community health services to one of the fastest growing Local Government Areas in the country – Baw Baw Shire. The Hospital cares for approximately 11,600 inpatients, makes nearly 28,000 community visits and sees more than 20,000 emergency presentations each year.

The administrative headquarters is located at West Gippsland Hospital in Warragul. Warragul is a 30-minute drive from Pakenham along the freeway – against the traffic! WGHG are the largest employer in Warragul with a workforce of over 1400 staff and are committed to building on our organisation’s strengths by welcoming people with our shared values of teamwork, respect, accountability and compassion.

We are well aware our hospital is aging but are excited at the news that our new state of the art hospital and public aged care facility is coming. A 23.6-hectare site at Lardners Track in Drouin East was acquired by West Gippsland Healthcare Group for a future hospital back in 2007. The new hospital is set to feature 233-beds and 33 emergency department treatment spaces as well as aged care and an expanded maternity facility.

We pride ourselves on the quality of care that’s delivered by our incredible staff. You won’t find a friendlier, and welcoming team than the West Gippsland Healthcare Group. We care for our community because we are the community! The boost in capacity means more patients can be treated faster.


Working with us

All appointments with the West Gippsland Healthcare Group are subject to the satisfactory return of professional reference checks, a National Police Record Clearance and a current Employee Working with Children Check. All employees must hold current entitlement to work within Australia. A six month probationary period applies to all new appointments.


Further details and how to apply

Applications must be submitted via our recruitment portal (wghg.mercury.com.au) and must include a current CV, cover letter outlining your interest in and suitability for the role. Shortlisted applicants will be asked to provide at least 2 professional referees. If you have any further queries, please contact David O’Neill - Food Services Coordinator, on 03*****00.

Applications close on Wednesday 28th February 2024. Please apply at your earliest convenience, shortlisting may commence prior to the closing date.


As an inclusive employer, committed to improving diversity and equity in our workforce, we encourage applications from all parts of our community, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, people from culturally diverse backgrounds, LGBTI people, and people with lived experience of disability.


As a Child Safe organisation, West Gippsland Healthcare Group promotes the safety, wellbeing and inclusion of all children, including those with disability.

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