Информация о вакансии
Assistant Valuer
InternetJobs Мельбурн, Виктория, Австралия 26 дней назад

Вид занятости: Полная занятость
Продолжительность работы:
Диапазон зарплаты: $ по договорённости - в месяц
Вакансия из области: Недвижимость
для специалистов: Агентства недвижимости
Опубликовано: 2024-06-05
Почтовый индекс:
Минимальное образование: Высшее
Минимальный опыт: 1 год
Пол: Не имеет значения
Возраст: от - до
Рабочая виза: Шенген
Статус вакансии
Начало публикации: 2024-06-05
Окончание публикации: 2024-12-05
Свободных мест: 1
Число просмотров: 132
Дальнейшие действия: Отправьте мне Ваше резюме

Контакты работодателя доступны только для авторизованных пользователей: Авторизация & Регистрация

Информация о работодателе InternetJobs Мельбурн, Виктория, Австралия
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Страна: Австралия
Регион: Виктория

Who we are:

Urbis is people focussed, and we want the best for our team, our clients, and our communities. We are a community of passionate problem solvers, sought out by clients for our fresh thinking and approach to their city-shaping projects. Our mission is to help create meaningful, sustainable cities & communities.

Urbis is an employer of choice for gender equality (EOCGE), recognised through the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA), and active participants in the Federal Career Revive Initiative which supports the attraction and retention of women returning to work after a career break.

We pride ourselves in empowering our employees and supporting them to be the best they can be. Here you will make a tangible difference and positive impact, while gaining incredible industry experience and broad ranging exposure to the most exciting work.

Urbis, Shaping futures your way!


The Opportunity:

We are looking for an Assistant Valuer or Valuer to join our Rating & Taxation Team within the Economics & Property division of our Melbourne office.

The role will be supported by a highly experienced Associate Director and senior consulting staff in a market leading team to assist ongoing growth of our group.

Our clients include Australia's largest listed and unlisted property funds and will support the Victorian team manage a portfolio of institutional grade assets within the states of South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, and Western Australia.

You will:

Undertake research, analysis and problem solving to support the provision of quality reporting.
Have the opportunity to work across multi-disciplinary projects with Urbis's other service areas (e.g., Urban Planning, Urban Design).
Develop industry, clients and other contacts, with the support of a director or Associate Director.
Promote the firm and its services to create business opportunities.
Track job costs and regularly report to Director/s and complete timesheets.
Provide assistance and support to Assistant Valuers as required.
Other duties as directed
About You:

Tertiary qualifications in Valuation either at graduate or post graduate level
Membership of API and Certified Practising Valuer accreditation.
Relevant work experience of 3-5 years across multiple asset classes. Ideally previous experience in the compensation space, residential and employment development land, or interest in the Windfall Gains Tax.
Demonstrates an ability to work independently and build rapport and effective working relationships with team members and clients.
Demonstrated experience and strong track record with a similar role at similar level.
Strong analytical skills with an ability to interpret and critically review sales, leases and other research data.
Preference for experience with Argus Estate Master software.
Confidently liaise with real estate agents, property managers, leasing agents etc. for the purposes of gathering comparable market evidence and market insights;

Why Urbis?

Urbis is committed to fostering an inclusive, flexible, and diverse work environment. We encourage applications from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals and those returning to work after a career break. By joining us you will receive many benefits including:

Salary continuance insurance, a generous parental leave policy, health & wellbeing programs and much more.
Active mentorship by the best in the business, development of career goals and support in achieving them.
Investment in ongoing training with all employees provided with an annual training budget.
Monthly morning teas and regular social events to celebrate professional and personal wins.
Across all our sectors, you will play a part in shaping cities and communities. Bring your spark, and shape futures your way.


Recruitment Agencies - thank you for thinking of us. We do endeavour to fill our opportunities through direct channels wherever possible, however, if we find that we do need agency assistance, we'll be in touch.

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Вакансии по регионам Сортировать по
Северный Рейн-Вестфалия (326)Нью-Йорк (236)Баден-Вюртемберг (202)Бавария (191)Нижняя Саксония (171)Иль-де-Франс (151)Гессен (135)Онтарио (128)Англия (124)Ломбардия (94)Московская область (87)Кампания (71)Аттика (66)Мазовецкое воеводство (64)Саксония (60)Венето (60)Квебек (58)Валенсия (57)Британская Колумбия (57)Эмилия-Романья (55)Бранденбург (52)Тоскана (48)Силезское воеводство (48)Пьемонт (47)Шлезвиг-Гольштейн (46)Нижняя Австрия (46)Лацио (46)Альберта (44)Сицилия (44)Среднечешский край (44)Южная Голландия (43)Апулия (42)Рейнланд-Пфальц (41)Цюрих (41)Великопольское воеводство (39)Северный Брабант (39)Нижнесилезское воеводство (39)Андалусия (37)Братиславский край (36)Северная Голландия (34)Каталония (32)Малопольское воеводство (32)Гелдерланд (30)Верхняя Австрия (30)Западно-Поморское воеводство (29)Лодзинское воеводство (28)Тюрингия (28)Жилинский край (28)Поморское воеводство (27)Трнавский край (27)Саксония-Анхальт (26)Саар (25)Тренчинский край (24)Ленинградская область (24)Берн (24)Новый Южный Уэльс (22)Любушское воеводство (22)Вена (22)Столичный регион (Ховедстаден) (21)Мадрид (21)

Вакансии по специальности
Бухгалтерия, финансы и аудит (149)Административная работа (142)Агенты, курьеры (73)Сельское хозяйство (76)Архитектура (18)Автобизнес (335)Банки, биржи, инвесткомпании (8)Уход за престарелыми и инвалидами (285)Клининг сервис, уборка (577)Компьютер, программинг (24)Строительство (784)Консалтинг (10)Повара, кулинары, пекари (396)Культура (1)Дизайн (31)Водители (417)Энергетика, электрика (202)Инженерия (58)Мебель, сборка, ремонт (44)Гувернантки и садовники (44)Парикмахеры и визажисты (77)Гостиничный бизнес (144)Бытовые и коммун. услуги (16)Управление персоналом (12)Страхование (7)Интернет Информ-технологии (22)Юриспруденция (13)Разнорабочие (280)Благоустройство (35)Логистика (65)Эксплуатация зданий (9)Менеджмент (77)СМИ: пресса, радио, ТВ (1)Медицина и фармацевтика (251)Разное (154)Воспитание, уход за детьми, няни (93)Разовая работа и халтуры (3)Операторы (178)Художники (2)Полиция, армия, флот (0)Полиграфия (9)Реклама, маркетинг, PR (31)Снабжение (9)Производство (628)Охрана (11)Государственная служба (0)Издательства (0)Недвижимость (39)Ремонт аппаратуры (9)Ресторанный бизнес (365)Розничная торговля (273)Наука и образование (19)Секретариат (16)Безопасность (5)Сервисные центры (88)Индустрия развлечений (29)Певцы и музыканты (2)SPA, салоны красоты (184)Физкультура и спорт (10)Складское хозяйство (355)Работа для студентов (4)Портные и швеи (64)Педагоги, воспитатели (12)Техники (302)Связь и телекоммуникации (32)Туризм и экскурсии (11)Торговля оптовая и сбыт (49)Переводчики, лингвисты (7)Работа на дому (128)
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