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Support Worker - Forensic Rehabilitation
InternetJobs Порируа, Новая Зеландия 28 дней назад

Вид занятости: Полная занятость
Продолжительность работы:
Диапазон зарплаты: $ по договорённости - в месяц
для специалистов: Опекуны
Опубликовано: 2024-04-06
Почтовый индекс:
Минимальное образование: Средняя школа
Минимальный опыт: Менее 1 года
Пол: Не имеет значения
Возраст: от - до
Рабочая виза: Шенген
Статус вакансии
Начало публикации: 2024-04-06
Окончание публикации: 2024-10-06
Свободных мест: 1
Число просмотров: 131
Дальнейшие действия: Отправьте мне Ваше резюме

Контакты работодателя доступны только для авторизованных пользователей: Авторизация & Регистрация

Информация о работодателе InternetJobs Порируа, Новая Зеландия
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Porirua, Wellington
Full time and part time opportunities
Flexibility for rostered shifts required - including day, evening, sleepover and weekend shifts
$23.15 - $28.25 depending on relevant qualifications

Mō te tūnga | About the role

IDEA Services is contracted by Manatū Hauora - Ministry of Health to provide forensic rehabilitation services for people with high and complex needs. The people in this service have committed some sort of offence which has seen them go through the court system. We are supporting them through a rehabilitation plan that is created alongside external providers to help them reintegrate safely back into the community.

As a Support Worker you will work alongside people with intellectual disabilities to support them through their rehabilitation journey. The people in this service will have complex behavioural support needs. Dealing with challenging behaviour can be tough, but with the right approach, we can make a difference, promote positive behaviours, and create a supportive environment for people to thrive.

In this role you will:

Help to manage daily routines eg. shower, get dressed, take medication or eat a meal.
Support people to make positive changes in their lives through learning new skills and having new experiences
Support people to recognise and respond to emotional overwhelm safely.
Support people to develop supportive relationships with their whānau and community.
Support people to engage or connect with their whakapapa.
Encourage people to have a voice and be heard.
Manage risk and maintain safety while support the rehabilitation of people with high and complex needs in compliance with IDCC&R Act 2003
Check out our website to learn more: Become a Support Worker


Ngā pūmanawatanga ōu | What you will bring

Previous experience is preferred, but more importantly, we are looking for someone with some life experience and the right attitude. It is essential that you can build good relationships with the people we support and have the skills to help coach them through their rehabilitation journey.

Previous experience supporting people with high and complex needs is preferred.
Cultural competence and the ability to understand and apply the principles of Te Tirirti o Waitangi
Ability to work in an environment with diverse individuals, being open-minded and non-judgmental in your approach.
A calm nature and confidence to work with challenging behaviours.
Comfortable and proficient in using computers and tablets daily.
Strong written and verbal communication skills.
Physical fitness to provide physical support needs and participate in activities.
A Full NZ driver's license or ability to gain this within 6 months.

Nōu te rourou | What's in it for you?

$23.15 - $28.25 per hour depending on relevant qualifications, with the ability to earn more as you gain qualifications.
IDEA Services will support you towards completion of the Level 2, 3 and 4 Certificates in Health and Wellbeing qualifications.
Generous long service leave entitlements plus insurance benefits after 2 years' service.
'Refer a friend' Bonus programme.
FREE Employee Assistance programme service anytime you need health and wellbeing support.

Mō mātou | About us (IDEA Services)

IDEA Services supports adults with intellectual disabilities to live in their own homes and enjoy life as part of their communities. We are New Zealand's largest provider of services to people with intellectual disabilities and their families. Our services are founded on IHC's utter commitment for people with intellectual disabilities to have a good life and to be valued contributors to and members of their own community.

IDEA Services Ltd is an accredited Immigration AEWV employer.


The IHC Group is committed to Te Tiriti o Waitangi and actively seek a diverse applicant pool. We encourage candidates of all backgrounds to apply. We welcome all kinds of diversity and the different perspectives such diversity brings to our work. Applicants must have the legal right to work in New Zealand.

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