Информация о вакансии
Automation Engineer
InternetJobs Папакура, Новая Зеландия 160 дней назад

Вид занятости: Полная занятость
Продолжительность работы:
Диапазон зарплаты: $ по договорённости - в час
Вакансия из области: Инженерия
для специалистов: Инженерная техника
Опубликовано: 2024-09-15
Почтовый индекс:
Минимальное образование: Высшее
Минимальный опыт: 2 года
Пол: Не имеет значения
Возраст: от - до
Рабочая виза: Шенген
Статус вакансии
Начало публикации: 2024-09-15
Окончание публикации: 2025-03-15
Свободных мест: 1
Число просмотров: 723
Дальнейшие действия: Отправьте мне Ваше резюме

Контакты работодателя доступны только для авторизованных пользователей: Авторизация & Регистрация

Информация о работодателе InternetJobs Папакура, Новая Зеландия
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The Company
This is a team of technical experts who engineer Industrial Automation solutions for their clients.

With Directors who own and work in the business, the company culture here is one of ownership, passion for their people, clients, industry, and technology. This is a tight-knit team that are adaptable to clients’ needs and deliver custom automation solutions that are both in-step with current technology and push the boundaries.

Mid to large sized manufacturers are their typical clients, but they are generalist, flexible and open-minded in terms of the client industry sectors they will tackle. Reflecting this, the industry sector someone comes from is not important to them specifically when hiring.

This company is well-setup, has both existing clients and projects, and new projects bursting onto the horizon. They are stable and growing, an ideal situation for hiring. This leads me to my next point…

Does this sound like you?
Right now, the focus is on hiring an Automation Engineer in South Auckland.

Ideally, we want someone who can jump on board and quickly take the lead on a controls systems integration project.

PLC, HMI, & SCADA based projects will be your bread & butter and you will be involved in design and creation of entire system Functional Specifications, programming and software integration, commissioning, customer training and support e.g. fault-finding if necessary.
Due to growing workload in the material handling projects space, we need an Automation Engineer who can work on these types of projects as a core focus, and there will likely be some manufacturing client projects too. So, on the materials handling hardware side this could include conveyors, robotics, AGV’s, photo eyes, light curtains, barcode scanners, drives etc.

Attitude is important, the team here are diligent people who take ownership for their work (methodical “do-ers”). To fit with the DNA here you will be flexible, adaptable, not set in your ways, and comfortable learning new control system platforms and technology.

This is a fulltime and permanent job with a standard 40 hour week, Monday to Friday.

Overtime & Travel: Overtime worked is compensated at your base rate plus some paid time off in lieu. In the medium term you will need to be open to being away from home for circa 2 week project commissioning periods every 2 to 3 months in Australia and have the working rights to allow this, e.g. an NZ Citizen.

Your Experience
Likely you are tertiary qualified e.g. an Electrical Engineer, Mechatronics Engineer, Software Engineer (or similar) OR you have gained automation engineering experience on the job
Automation Engineer/Industrial Control Systems Engineer with 6 years plus experience, who has worked at the Senior or Intermediate level on projects
Control Systems design, programming, configuration, and commissioning e.g., on PLC’s, Safety PLC’s, & SCADA systems (E.g. Ignition Scada)
Familiarity with PLC coding and integration in Structured Text, Ladder Logic, and FBD is most relevant.
Functional Description and Functional Specification creation ability
Networking e.g., EtherCAT, Profinet, Modbus
VSD’s & Servo Drives setup
Electrical knowledge and controls troubleshooting experience
If you have machine safety experience this will be considerd a cherry on top!

Why Apply?
This opportunity will be really interesting for an engineer who wants to stay focused on delivering top-notch automation solutions. You will get technically interesting projects and work that will move your clients into the future of where automation can take them.

As a Control Systems Integrator the work remains fresh and there will always be variety in terms of the industry sectors you work in, the projects themselves, and the technology and control systems you work with.

This Company is a great one to join, as they are stable, growing strongly and consistently, and you will be part of a small of team of energetic, positive, and like-minded engineers, who will understand you and the work you do, because they do it too.

If this opportunity is not quite right for you, let me know what you are looking for in case we can help. We’ve done it many times before.

Explore other jobs opportunities at www.trs.co.nz

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